- Head of the UGCC congratulated a bishop nominee Pavlo Honcharuk on being ordained a valid bishop of Kharkiv - Zaporizhia Diocese 17 January 2020 22:29 Head and Father of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav conveyed his personal congratulations and of bishops of the Synod of the UGCC to a bishop nominee Pavlo Honcharuk on being ordained a valid bishop of Kharkiv-Zaporizhia diocese of Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine....
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav: He who radically cuts off evil and unrighteousness from his heart, becomes a new man 15 January 2020 21:47 The Savior calls on us to cultivate spiritual renewal and to cut off in our lives all the ways to evil. That is why it is important to obey the law of God, as the Son of God Jesus Christ showed us.
- A charitable evening Christmas Together held in Slavutych 15 January 2020 20:58 January 12, 2020 on the initiative of a local parochial priest Yuriy Logasa the second charitable evening for families of ATO participants and IDP “Christmas Together” was held in Slavutych, Kyiv region. An event happened due to the support of Kyiv Archeparchy and CF “Caritas – Kyiv”. “More than...
- Letter from Bishop Ken Nowakowski 15 January 2020 14:15 I have been your bishop for almost twelve and a half years. In this time, I have come to know most of the faithful of the Eparchy and have had the wonderful opportunity of journeying in faith together with you our clergy, religious and the lay-faithful. The years have truly gone by very quickly for me....
- Newly ordained Bishop Stepan Sus: In my prayers, I will always remember the heroes who start their day on prostheses 13 January 2020 21:10 I would like all my life, as a man, as a pastor, as a priest, and a bishop, to be that person in whom God will be able to meet those who seek the paths to Him. This was stated by the newly ordained Bishop Stepan Sus in his first sermon at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection in Kyiv on January 12, 2020....
- Head of the UGCC to Bishop Stepan Sus during the episcopal consecration: We have been killed and crucified many times, but our roots are alive 13 January 2020 12:11 Bishop Stepan, you are a sprout from that ancient stump of the Church of Kyiv, which the Lord God has revealed to us. You must tell and preach to all our Ukrainian world that God is the guarantee that we will not disappear as a nation. The Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church said this in...
- Bishop Nominee Stepan Sus: Many people for the first time have come to confession, got married, or baptized their children thanks to Facebook 12 January 2020 18:40 On Sunday, January 12, 2020, at 11:00, the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with the Rite of Episcopal Ordination will begin in Kyiv, at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. Stepan Sus will be ordained as Titular Bishop of Zygris and Curial Bishop of Ukrainian Catholic Major...
- Head of the UGCC: Surrogate motherhood in Ukraine is a disaster that our society has not yet realized 09 January 2020 13:14 Many countries of the world combat surrogacy. And all who want to buy a baby in Europe, unfortunately, go to Ukraine today. The Father and the Head of the Ukrainian Church said this during his sermon to the faithful on the Feast of the Synaxis of the Mother of God and St Joseph the Betrothed (the Feast of...