25 April 2012
10:45 - A conference to coordinate efforts of all interested in the welfare of orphans will take place in Lviv Lvivshchyna without Orphans, a conference on 27 April 2012, will address effective means of overcoming orphanhood in the area (location to be announced). The representatives of the UGCC Commission on Matters of the Family stated that the goal of the conference is to coordinate in the Lviv...
25 April 2012
25 April 2012
10:40 - Commission on Matters of the family helped organize a soccer tournament for orphans who attend boarding schools A soccer tournament “A Soccer Holiday That Gives Hope” for orphans who attend boarding schools was recently held in Lviv. The event was held with the assistance of the Lviv Regional Committee for Physical Education and Sport of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine jointly with the UGCC Commission...
25 April 2012
23 April 2012
12:39 - Primate of UGCC met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic On April 20th, Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), UGCC Head, and Patriarch Lubomyr (Husar), Archbishop Emeritus, met with First Vice-Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Karel Schwarzenberg. During his first visit to Ukraine, the Czech Minister expressed his strong...
23 April 2012
12 April 2012
11:01 - “In the letter we appealed to the President as the guarantor who ensures that justice is just,” reported Patriarch Sviatoslav about the meeting of the heads of the churches with Viktor Yanukovych Today, during a two and a half hour meeting with the heads of the Ukrainian churches, President Viktor Yanukovych informed the gathering that their petition to pardon Yulia Tymoshenko and Yuriy Lutsenko is only possible once all the court processes involving them have been settled. This was...
12 April 2012
08 April 2012
09:19 - His Beatitude Lubomyr during National Roundtable: ‘Intellectuals are present in every cultural nation’ Without the existence of the intelligentsia one cannot talk about law and order in society. For those people who make up the intelligentsia of a certain state have high professional knowledge. They also have a deep understanding (through communication, knowledge of history and culture), who a...
08 April 2012
06 April 2012
11:53 - UGCC Justice and Peace Commission announces a call for participation in the International Summer School in Economics UGCC Justice and Peace Commission announces a call for participation in the International Summer School in Economics "Towards a Bridging Economy," which will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from September 11 to 15, 2012.
06 April 2012
05 April 2012
07:37 - Guardians and educators of orphanages learn how to change problematic behavior of children On April 1, the joint project of the UGCC Commission on Families and the UGCC Department of Social Issues held a training at the Holy Ghost Seminary in Lviv on “Learning how to change the problematic behavior of our children” for adoptive families, guardian families, educators of said families and...
05 April 2012
05 April 2012
07:34 - Ternopil hosted a discussion on how to change Ukrainian society The role of the Church in the process of the rebirth of society, manifestations of crisis, challenges to the spirituality and morality of life in Ukraine – all these became topics for discussion at a round table “A mature Christian facing current challenges.” The panel was held on April 3rd at the...
05 April 2012
01 April 2012
10:46 - Patriarch Sviatoslav: ‘Christ's priesthood has its source not in man, but in the divine person and ministry of the Son of God’ “Christ's priesthood has its source not in man, but in the divine person and ministry of the Son of God. The priest is called to be a light ray of eternity in the interim, a living icon of the Savior's presence among the people of God, the presence that throughout history the Church was a source of...
01 April 2012