The Head of the UGCC in Starunia: The servant of the unity of the Church of Christ is neither the president nor the patriarch, but the successor of the apostle Peter - the Pope
30 April 2018 21:46
In recent weeks, so much was said about the unity of Christians. Someone even wants to create a single local church. But the question is: where this unity can come from, who must be at the core of it, what idea of unity of the Church left us, the Christians of the third millennium, Jesus Christ Himself?...
- Bishop Paul Chomnycky,OSBM, Stamford Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy Settles Super Bowl LII Wager; Delivers Boston Cream Pies to Archbishop-Emeritus Stefan Soroka and Philadelphia Archeparchy Chancery Staff 26 April 2018 12:50 Philadelphia, Pa.--On Wednesday April 25, 2018, Bishop Paul Chomnycky, OSBM delivered quite a number of Boston cream pies to Archbishop-emeritus Stefan Soroka and the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy Chancery Staff in Philadelphia.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav participated in a common prayer for victims of Armenian genocide
25 April 2018 21:23
On Wednesday, April 24 a Moleben for victims of Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire in 1915 was held in Kyiv. Father and Head of UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav on the invitation of bishop Marcos Oganesian, Head of Ukrainian Eparchy of Armenian Apostolic Church joint a common prayer on this mournful...
- Human life must begin and end in the family, - Head of the UGCC on nursing homes 24 April 2018 13:30 It is entirely natural and according to the plan of our Creator, that human life should begin and end in the family. The family is an oasis of human life, where a person can fully feel loved, wrapped up with attention and really needed. If a person is not needed by his or her most beloved, closest people,...
- We appreciate the efforts to recognize the united Orthodox Church, Head of the UGCC to the US Ambassador in Ukraine 20 April 2018 13:45 On April, 17, 2018, at the residence of the Head of the UGCC near the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection in Kyiv, took place a meeting between His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC, and the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of U.S. to Ukraine Mari Jovanovich at...
- I believe we face the same challenges today as our martyrs once did, - Head of UGCC 20 April 2018 13:03 On Monday, April 19 an opening of an exhibition titled “UGCC – time of tribulations” was held in National Museum of II World War in Kyiv. Basically, the major artifacts which were presented were personal belongings of metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, patriarch Josyf Slipyj, bishop Volodymyr...
- We served the Eucharist, which unites two churches - Milan Church of Holy Ambrose and Kyivan Church of Holy Volodymyr! – the Head of UGCC 20 April 2018 12:54 On April 18, 2018, for the first time in the history of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, the Divine Liturgy in the Traditional Ambrosian Rite (St. Ambrose of Milan) was held with the participation of the clergy from Milan Archdiocese of the RCC. The Mass was led by His...
- Our people are thirsty for justice, - Head of UGCC to the Head of Constitutional Court of Ukraine 19 April 2018 13:00 On April 16 in the residence of Head of UGCC, located near the Patriarchal cathedral of Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv, was held a meeting of His Beatitude Sviatoslav with Head of Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk and members of his family, judge of Constitutional Court of Ukraine...
The Head of UGCC blessed the temple of Mother of God of Incessant Help in Slavutych
17 April 2018 21:22
Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, on April 15, 2018, sanctified in the town of Slavutych a temple built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God's Perpetual Help.
- Pope Francis Appoints Auxiliary Bishop Andriy Rabiy as Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia 16 April 2018 14:18 Pope Francis Appoints Auxiliary Bishop Andriy Rabiy as Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia; Accepts Resignation of Archbishop Stefan Soroka effective April 16, 2018
- Auxhiliary Bishop appointed for Sokal-Zhovkva Eparchy of UGCC 13 April 2018 09:10 On Thursday, April 12, 2018, in Vatican it was announced that His Holiness Father Francis gave his consent to canonical election of priest Petro Losa, (C.Ss.R), a former administrator of Chernihiv parish of Sts Petro and Pavlo (Kyiv Archeparchy) as the auxhiliary bishop for Sokal-Zhovkva...
- "Christ has resurrected because He loved," Bishop Dionisij at the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Rome 11 April 2018 15:18 On the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, April 8, numerous Ukrainian emigrants arrived at the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Rome. The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was led by Bishop Dionisij (Liakhovych), the Apostolic Visitator for the Ukrainian Greek Catholics in Italy....
- I wish this holiday became a holiday of changing our tears to joy! - His Beatitude Sviatoslav on the occasion of Easter 09 April 2018 19:06 The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ tells us all that our sufferings, pain and difficulties are not eternal! There is eternal life in the resurrection. And even death is not the end, but the transition to eternal life with our resurrected Savior in the holiday of victory! It is a holiday when life...