- Ivano-Frankivsk medical chaplains agreed on activity during the quarantine 30 April 2020 20:26 Notwithstanding the spread of COVID-19 and limited movements during the quarantine, medical chaplains of Ivano-Frankivsk archeparchy of the UGCC continue to look for ways to implement vocation and service of Church for people’s good. For this reason, Zoom conference has been held....
- 7th session of the Patriarchal Sobor postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic 30 April 2020 15:41 The Patriarchal (All-Church) Council (Sobor) of the UGCC on the topic "The Immigration, Settlement and Global Unity of the UGCC" convened by His Beatitude Sviatoslav is postponed till the second half of 2021.
- Greek Catholics from Vyshneve provided a charitable support for dwellers of a hostel with coronavirus outbreak 28 April 2020 20:51 April 25, 2020 a community of St. Anna Church in Vyshneve granted a charitable support for dwellers of a hostel with coronavirus outbreak. Currently, over 100 lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported from there.
- We should not get used to the suffering of our soldiers, Bishops of the UGCC #Healing_wounds_of_war 28 April 2020 13:20 For a long time, Ukraine will still feel the pain felt by our veterans as they return from the trenches of war to civilian life. Caring for the wounded souls of the people is one of the priorities of our pastoral mission.
- Together towards the new world: Head of the UGCC holds a video conference with the Ukrainian World Congress 27 April 2020 11:44 During a video conference with His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the Ukrainian World Congress leaders discussed a number of important humanitarian, socio-economic and other issues which aim at supporting the Ukrainian communities in the world. The...
- We pray before the miraculous Vyshorod Icon of the Mother of God to protect Ukraine and the whole world under her omophorion, bishop Yosyf Milyan 25 April 2020 16:21 “That is what we say today, we are confident with her. We believe in the Resurrection with her. We approach an empty tomb with her, hoping for eternal happiness. We are not afraid of any storms with her, as much as a child, who holds their mother’s hand”, said bishop Yosyf Milyan, bishop auxiliary of...
- Maidan showed the best and the coronavirus - the worst in people, the Head of the UGCC explained these opposites 22 April 2020 13:03 His Beatitude Sviatoslav answered this question in his interview with Ukrainska Pravda. He noted that we would ask ourselves this question again and again. “I had the impression that the first thing that led people (when they threw stones at the buses – Ed.) was fear. On the Maidan it was different,...
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav: We learn in our spiritual life to distinguish the main from the secondary 21 April 2020 12:46 Today, the light of God's word and our faith tell us that even when we lose something, we get something new in return. This was the opinion expressed by Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav during a program of Radio Maria....
- UGCC Head on Easter: These empty temples make our proclamation of faith in the risen Christ even louder 20 April 2020 15:26 The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is the greatest feast in the Church. The Primate says that the Resurrection of Christ raises a man from all his infirmities, gives light, joy, brings peace.
- Head of the UGCC in Easter Pastoral: Christ passes through all closed quarantine doors and says: Peace be with you! 18 April 2020 18:23 It’s our Christian families, traditionally called domestic churches, that are places of encounter with the living Christ. He passes through all closed quarantine doors in order to tell us: “Do not be afraid! Peace be with you!” This is said in the Easter Pastoral of His Beatitude Sviatoslav,...
- Head of the UGCC on Good Friday: On the Calvary of human suffering, the Lord built His own cross 18 April 2020 14:42 How do we find the light of Easter? Christ tells us: Repent and believe in the Gospel. To repent means to enter the door that Christ opens to us today in Pascha. This was stated by His Father and the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, on Good Friday, during the Vespers...
- During a quarantine an urge of socializing is increasing, yet we cannot transmit a life of Church in a complete online format, - Head of the UGCC 17 April 2020 20:19 Our believers have never communicated with their priests so actively. Apart from using smartphones they switched to Zoom, Viber, Facebook, Instagram, all those means which have recently become popular. An idea shared by His Beatitude Sviatoslav in his comment to an April number of program “An...
- Head of the UGCC: Let us not resort to apocalyptic thinking. It is detrimental to our health! 17 April 2020 20:14 One should not fear that some period of our global culture is ending. I would not advise fostering apocalyptic moods as it is very damaging to your health. The Lord God is always an ally of human health.