We remember the most important builder of this temple - His Beatitude Lubomyr," Head of UGCC on the feast of the Patriarchal Cathedral
30 April 2019 18:55
The Savior shows us that there is not only life after death, but He also leads us in the real life for which we were created: "The Holy Apostle Peter, one of the first witnesses of the Resurrection, said that when Jesus Christ arose from the tomb, this moment indicates human rebirth."...
Head of UGCC: The Risen Christ shows that the war against Ukraine will not last forever, because a lie never has the final word
29 April 2019 15:35
Seeing the risen Christ today, we see that a lie never has the final word. As the night will always turn into a day, so the war against Ukraine will not last forever. In that truth we need to endure. This was stated by the Father and the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav...
- Head of UGCC: Responsibility for Ukrainian people’s choice we have to bear collectively 29 April 2019 15:33 Regardless of who people cast their votes for and what kind of dreams they imagined to be fulfilled by their candidates, I encourage everybody to join efforts in building free independent Ukraine, - expressed his opinion Head and Father of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav in a traditional paschal...
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav congratulated the Ukrainians on Easter 27 April 2019 20:02 "On this bright day of the Feast of Christ's Resurrection - Easter of the Lord - let me heartily congratulate all of you, wherever you are - in Ukraine or abroad, in a family circle, or perhaps far from your home. We celebrate this holiday together, because Christ is risen!" addressed His Beatitude...
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav: We can not tolerate evil, but we must tolerate one another 27 April 2019 19:52 We must always be tolerant and respectful of another person. I might totally disagree with what a person says or does, but my whole behavior towards this person should be friendly towards him/her. This was stated by the Father and the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude...
Important message of Christianity emerges from the Cross - reconciliation and forgiveness of sins exist, Head of UGCC on Good Friday
27 April 2019 19:42
The Church of Christ is the unity of the people. For the Son of God gives us hope and inspiration for forgiveness and reconciliation. This was emphasized by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Head and Father of the UGCC, in his sermon to the faithful during the Vespers with the Exposition of Holy Shroud -...
- Everyone betrayed Jesus, even Peter, but only Judas entered history as traitor. Why? His Beatitude Sviatoslav in an interview for Radio Maria 26 April 2019 17:24 The tomb, crucifixion, and death were not the end, but the beginning of something new and unknown. Where God is, there is always forgiveness there. Always a new birth is where there is the Risen Savior ... Therefore this moment means the new birth of man, a new creation in Christ. I want to remind...
- Head of UGCC expressed his condolences upon the teracts on Sri Lanka 24 April 2019 15:43 On behalf of the global community of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, I would like to express to you our prayers and sympathies on the horrific terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka which took the lives of more than 200 innocent people and left many others wounded....
- We have a hope! Evil of this world has no more power over us, - Head of UGCC congratulated Roman Catholics on Easter 23 April 2019 22:29 On Saturday, April 20, 2019 in Kyiv Father and Head of UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav took part in the Paschal service at St. Aleksander Cathedral of Roman Catholic rite. On behalf of the whole Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church he congratulated Roman Catholics on Easter Day. ...
Let us accept God, His light, strength, and truth, and we will not be afraid, Head of UGCC on Palm Sunday
22 April 2019 19:19
The Feast of Jesus Christ's Entrance to Jerusalem is a symbol of hope and salvation when God comes to His people who are waiting for Him for so long. This year, the meaning and significance of this holiday for Ukraine sounds even more profound, because it occurs in the difficult historical period of...
- The Head of the UGCC met with the new ambassador of Argentina to Ukraine 19 April 2019 15:24 Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav met with the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic to Ukraine Elena Leticia Teresa Mikunsky.
- Bishop Bohdan J. Danylo Ordains a New Priest for St. Josaphat Eparchy (USA) 19 April 2019 14:55 On April 18, 2019, Bishop Bohdan J. Danylo ordained a new priest, Fr. Sviatoslav Ditchuk, for the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma (USA) during Holy Thursday services (according to the Gregorian calendar).
- Head of UGCC met with military chaplains of U. S. Army in Europe 17 April 2019 21:59 April 16, 2019 Father and Head of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav met with a delegation of military chaplains of U.S. Army in Europe chaired by a chaplain of the 7th U.S. Army Timothy Mallard.
- In the face of desolation and devastation, we find hope in our Risen Lord, Head of UGCC 17 April 2019 21:56 It is with great sadness and shock that we have been following the news of how fire engulfed the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris on the first day of Holy Week. On behalf of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, I would like to express our prayerful support to Archbishop Michel Aupetit, as well as our...