31 May 2012
02:28 - The Eucharistic week will take place in June in the parishes of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC) While preparing for the 1025 Anniversary since Christianization of Ukraine, the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archiepiscopacy of the UGCC (the 54th session from 27-28 of October 2011, Lviv- Briukhovychi, paragraph 6) gave their blessing to the idea of holding the Holy Sacrament of...
31 May 2012
29 May 2012
09:05 - All-Ukrainian Council of Churches considers the bill “Principles of state language policy” a case of political manipulation The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (AUCCRO) expresses its concern regarding events resulting from placing on the agenda of Verkhovna Rada bills that harm the normal constitutional functioning of the Ukrainian language, in particular, the bill “Principles of...
29 May 2012
28 May 2012
06:37 - His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar) will participate in the All-Ukrainian Scholarly-Historical Conference “Radomyshl in the History of Ukrainian Church 1682-1840” The All-Ukrainian Scholarly-Historical Conference on “Radomyshl in the History of the Ukrainian Church 1682-1840,” marking the 250th anniversary of the inauguration of Pylyp (Volodkevych) as the Metropolitan of Kyiv, Halych and All Rus, will take place on June 8, 2012, in the historical...
28 May 2012
27 May 2012
12:55 - Meetings of Permanent Synod of Bishops held in Wroclaw Meetings of the Permanent Synod of Bishops of the UGCC are being held in Wroclaw, Poland. In addition to Patriarch Sviatoslav, the head of the UGCC, bishops from Ukraine and from abroad are taking part. The first day of the Permanent Synod, May 24, was devoted to the preparation for the 2012 Synod...
27 May 2012
27 May 2012
12:52 - Caritas-Kyiv completed its charitable project – assistance to needy children suffering from cancer On the eve of the Feast of Ascension (24 May), the director of the Charitable Fund Caritas-Kyiv, Rev. Roman Syrotych, together with Rev. Roman Zholobchuk, a priest serving the UGCC community in Slavutych, visited the family of seven year old Viktoriya, who since age two has been undergoing...
27 May 2012
25 May 2012
11:54 - Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli: “The vocation of a journalist is extremely fascinating” “Among the biggest problems that we experience is how to choose from all the information that we receive on the Internet, the one which will be useful in our life.” Today, His Excellency Claudio Maria Celli, President of the Papal Council on Social Communications, recapitulated this in his lecture...
25 May 2012
25 May 2012
10:59 - Hryhorii Seleshchuk: ‘The formation of migration policy should be based on deep analysis of the situation’ A roundtable on social problems of Ukrainian migration was held on May 15 at the Institute for Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Nearly 40 leading Ukrainian scientists, public figures, journalists, representatives of the State Migration Service and others...
25 May 2012
25 May 2012
10:56 - During a press conference in Donetsk Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) stressed on imporance of Russian translation of UGCC Catechism “The UGCC today has reached far beyond the Ukrainian-speaking environment. We live and minister in different spatial contexts, because many of our faithful do not understand Ukrainian well. Given that Greek Catholics are also in the Russian-speaking environment, they are not always able to...
25 May 2012
25 May 2012
10:52 - Archbishop Claudio Celli: Basis of church communication is evangelization The basis of church communication is evangelization. The Gospel always remains the same, but people change, and therefore so do the means of evangelization. Today we cannot only speak to the people who come to church but must find a way to speak to those who never come to us. This opinion was expressed...
25 May 2012
17 May 2012
01:37 - The UGCC Commission on Matters of Youth invites young people to join in forming a UGCC Christian Youth Forum To assist young people in finding their place in the Church, to coordinate the efforts of numerous Christian youth organizations of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church as well as to aide in meeting challenges with which youth is confronted are the aims of people who have undertaken the creation of ...
17 May 2012
16 May 2012
11:29 - Head of the UGCC led nationwide pilgrimage of clergy to Peremyshlyany in Lviv region On May 11, 2012, bishops, clergy and laity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church gathered for a nationwide pilgrimage to the city of Peremyshlyany in the Lviv region. The pilgrimage, headed by Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) was dedicated to the Blessed Priest Omelyan Kovch, a long-time pastor...
16 May 2012
16 May 2012
11:27 - UGCC Primate meets with Donetsk youth During a pastoral visit to the Donetsk-Kharkiv Exarchate on May 14th, Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), UGCC Head, met with Donetsk youth. Some 200 young Donetsk residents greeted the Patriarch. The meeting took place in the chapel of the Youth Center of the UGCC parish Descent of the Holy...
16 May 2012
11 May 2012
12:56 - Head of UGCC to consecrate monument to Blessed Omelyan Kovch A nationwide pilgrimage of UGCC clergy to Peremyshliany dedicated to the memory of the Blessed Omelyan Kovch will be held on May 11, 2012. During the pilgrimage, His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), head of the UGCC, will consecrate the monument to Blessed Omelyan Kovch....
11 May 2012
10 May 2012
09:15 - An Ecumenical Prayer Service for World War II victims was held in Lviv On 8 May 2012 various religious confessions joined in a communal prayer service in Lviv’s Yaniv Cemetery at “Three Crosses” -- the burial site of unidentified WW II victims. The prayer service was organized by the UGCC Commission on Justice and Peace together with the organization Ukrainian...
10 May 2012
10 May 2012
01:57 - Patriarch Sviatoslav blessed the opening of the 350th jubilee of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk Heads of three traditional Christian Churches visited the capital of Subcarpathia to participate in the celebrations of the 350th jubilee of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), UGCC Head, met Patriarch Filaret, Primate UOC (KP), and Metropolitan Mefodiy, Primate...
10 May 2012