- His Beatitude Sviatoslav to youth on Palm Sunday: Dare to dream! Dream big! Desire greatness! 03 April 2020 20:33 “Invite Christ into your dreams! Be certain that he will help. Jesus Christ has already conquered our greatest fear and given us himself as a limitless source of hope and life. On this day of our Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem, open to Him the full expanse of your heart. In receiving our Saviour into your...
- Today, the risen Christ passes through all closed quarantine doors, in order to encounter us, his disciples, from the Easter message of the Head of the UGCC 03 April 2020 13:23 All our sins and illnesses, pandemics and fears are overcome by God's love. In due time, he will break the closed door of the quarantine, eliminate our fear, and call on us to proclaim to the world, as the apostles once did, that "Christ is risen!"
- Pastoral letter of his Beatitude Sviatoslav to youth on Palm Sunday 03 April 2020 13:17 Today, more than ever, is the time for your boldest dreams: to tame the universe, to find a cure for cancer, to conquer epidemics, to build a just economic system, to protect the sick and helpless, to seek out alternate sources of energy, to construct means of transportation that don’t harm the...