- Chaplains of UGCC took part in Interconfessional scientific-practical training “Healing of traumas” 05 April 2018 20:47 March 26-30, 2018 in Pushcha Vodytsia, Kyiv outskirts, the training “Healing of traumas. How Church can minister people” is being held. Chaplains of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church took part in it.
- The Head of the UGCC on Palm Sunday: "The future of Ukraine depends on which king you choose today." 02 April 2018 11:32 Our strength, the strength of our people are not in the horses or chariots of the modern world. Not even in the agreements of the powerful of this world. For today God Himself comes to us. He is the One Who has the source of life, rebirth and resurrection of each person, Life and Resurrection of Ukraine....