- Life-giving Soil for a New Generation 12 September 2013 18:58 It is well-known that the growth of a plant is largely dependent on its environment. Yes, given a plant which has adequate light, kept at a proper temperature, and protects itself from any harmful outside forces, it is likely to grow well.
- A book of UGCC was presented at the Lviv Book Forum 12 September 2013 18:48 At the Lviv Book Forum, a new book, Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church: First Steps. Bearing Witness. Rebirth., was presented. Among other places, this book is also available at the stands of the publications Svidchado and Nash format.
- In Liubech, a training was held at the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Women 12 September 2013 17:53 On September 6-8, 2013, Ruslana Bezpalchoya, one of the most renowned specialists on working with women in difficult life situations, offered a training at Transformation, a Center for the Social Rehabilitation of Woman.