21 October 2011
09:28 - Ukrainian immigrants in Italy and Spain to conduct joint pilgrimage to Lourdes For the first time, Ukrainian immigrants in Italy and Spain will have the opportunity to meet together for a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France, which will last from October 22 to 23. This event will take place with the blessing of Bishop Dionisiy (Liakhovych) and on the initiative of Ukrainian...
21 October 2011
21 October 2011
12:43 - Seminar on basics of social reintegration of former women prisoners held in Chernihiv UGCC prison chaplains have begun to study of the foundations of social reintegration of former prisoners. Special attention during the seminar, which was held in Chernihiv on October 14-15, 2011, was given to work with women.
21 October 2011