- 25 September 2009
02:20 - Ukrainian Churches can find a common language “An important achievement of the Renovabis Congress is that our colleagues in Western Europe are opening up more and more to Ukraine as a competent partner in ecumenical dialogues. They see that Ukrainian Churches can find a common language, work together on general projects and operate jointly for the good of society in different areas of public life....
- 25 September 2009
- 24 September 2009
02:49 - Ecology issues take centre stage on the day of the Church New Year On September 14, 2009, the first day of the Church New Year at 11:00 am, in Kyiv (35 Urytskoho St.) a round table discussion took place on the topic of “Ecology of life,” dedicated to the ecological celebrations for the Day of the Creator. Organizers included the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in...
- 24 September 2009
- 24 September 2009
02:27 - The President of Ukraine visited Arch-Cathedral of the Metropolitanate of Przemysl and Warsaw During his State visit to the Republic of Poland, President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko visited the cathedral of the Greek-Catholic Przemysl and Warsaw Metropolitanate (in Przemysl). Speaking with the faithful, the President emphasized that today, between Ukraine and Poland, there exists a very strong relationship between the two nations. The...
- 24 September 2009
- 24 September 2009
02:25 - “Spiritual fight within the Orthodox tradition” discussed at international conference in Boze From September 9 - 12, 2009, in the ancient monastery Bose, located in northern Italy, the annual International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox Spirituality took place. The conference featured the most authoritative specialists in the fields of theology and social science, as well as hierarchies. It is considered to be one of the most effective...
- 24 September 2009
- 15 September 2009
09:16 - News from the UGCC clergy in Brussels During the Feast of the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God, a three day celebration of Mary, the Triduum, took place in Brussels. The program included: rosary prayer, Maria’s evening prayers, Confessions, Divine Liturgy, processions through the streets of Brussels.
- 15 September 2009
- 15 September 2009
09:12 - There is still an opportunity to donate your own “brick” for the building of Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv From fall of 2007 to summer of 2008, the first stage of fundraising took place for the building of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv. The main method for collecting donations was through the distribution of special “bricks” valued at 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 or 1000 UAH, which a donor could purchase in order to make a contribution to...
- 15 September 2009
- 13 September 2009
10:50 - The Secretariat of the All Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations analyze results from the latest state-confession dialogue On September 3, 2009, the Secretariat of the All Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (ACCARO) held a meeting at the main synagogue of the city of Kyiv. The meeting of heads and representatives of confessions was facilitated by Head Rabbi of Kyiv and Ukraine and from the Association of Judaic Religious Organizations of Ukraine, Jacob...
- 13 September 2009
- 13 September 2009
10:49 - The government has reduced natural gas tariffs for religious organizations to the same rate offered to the general public The Cabinet of Ministers has accepted the decision to lower natural gas prices for communal uses by religious organizations to the rate offered to the general public. The proposal was accepted during a government meeting on September 3, 2009, as reported by the Institute of Religious Freedom (IRF), located in the city of Kyiv....
- 13 September 2009
- 08 September 2009
09:56 - Modernizing evangelism for people with impaired hearing From July 30 to August 27, the second School of Evangelization, organized by the Patriarchal Commission for Matters of Evangelization of the UGCC, took place on the territories of the Lviv and Kyivan archeparchies. Participants of the school worked on new approaches and forms of evangelization. A practical course on the territory of Kyivan archeparchy...
- 08 September 2009
- 08 September 2009
09:54 - Military lyceum is blessed in the town of Nadvirna On August 31, the military-sport lyceum in Prykarpattya celebrated its new location. High-ranking officials of the region and representatives of the Department of Defense of Ukraine were invited to take part in the official opening and blessing. Reverend Bishop Mykolay (Simkaylo), Eparch of Kolomyja-Chernivtsi, together with the clergy of...
- 08 September 2009
- 07 September 2009
07:32 - Bishops of the UGCC pay a visit to Rehab Center “Nazareth” Last week, Bishop Peter (Kryk), Apostolic Exarch for Germany and Scandinavian countries, and Bishop Stephan (Meniok), Exarch of Donets’k-Kharkiv, visited the Rehabilitation Center “Nazareth” for alcoholics and drug addicts.
- 07 September 2009
- 07 September 2009
07:29 - International Pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Saint Sofia in Rome In Autumn 2009, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church will celebrate a few important jubilees: 40th anniversary of the blessing of the Saint Sofia Cathedral in Rome; 50th anniversary of the blessing of the present Pontifical College of Saint Protection Vail of Mother of God (formerly Small Seminary); 65th anniversary of the death of Servant of God...
- 07 September 2009
- 07 September 2009
07:25 - “The crisis in which we find ourselves in has showed up as a serious illness in society,” Head of UGCC His Beatitude Lubomyr, Head of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, declared that the current crisis has taken a toll on our society. “The crisis in which we found ourselves has showed up as a serious illness in society. It is a crisis of the heart and mind – and this is worse than the economic crisis. In short, our society is very ill,” explained the Head of the UGCC...
- 07 September 2009
- 07 September 2009
07:21 - UNIAN present the second round of charitable concerts “With Faith and Love” Through the initiative of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and under the patronage of its Head, His Beatitude Lubomyr, charitable concerts of popular music “With Faith and Love” are taking place from September 7 to 22 in 12 cities of Ukraine. Further details were given at a press conference in UNIAN to journalists. His Beatitude Lubomyr, Natalia...
- 07 September 2009

We can imagine what the prayer of the prisoners in the Russian torture centers in the Ukrainian Kharkiv region was like – Head of the UGCC on the 206th day of the war 17 September
A vast cemetery, a mass burial, was found near the city of Izyum, in which more than 400 innocently killed and tortured people have already been...