News from the UGCC clergy in Brussels
Tuesday, 15 September 2009, 09:16 During the Feast of the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God, a three day celebration of Mary, the Triduum, took place in Brussels. The program included: rosary prayer, Maria’s evening prayers, Confessions, Divine Liturgy, processions through the streets of Brussels.
During the Feast of the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God, a three day celebration of Mary, the Triduum, took place in Brussels. The program included: rosary prayer, Maria’s evening prayers, Confessions, Divine Liturgy, processions through the streets of Brussels.
These celebrations of Maria began over twenty years ago through the help of Belgian redemptorist Fr. Julius Kovelirs, CSSR, and from the beginning hundreds of people would take part, both the Belgian faithful and representatives from other Catholic Churches.
For a few years now, the UGCC parish of Brussels has joined in on these celebrations, carrying the icon of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya in blue-yellow frames down the city streets. For this years celebrations, the Ukrainian priest Oleh Zymak, CSSR, was invited to be a delegate for the Eastern Catholic Churches in the Belgian Episcopal Commission “Pro Migrantibus, “ and to take part in these celebrations. Father Oleh Zymak declared the importance of the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, which has a direct connection to Ukraine.
Because the school year is beginning in Belgian schools, the Divine Liturgy delivered at the Ukrainian church Dushpastirstva in Brussels by Fr. Zymak was dedicated to children and young Ukrainians. In the sermon, Fr. Oleh, commented on the importance for parents to understand their responsibility, before God, in educating their children. There are many possibilities and opportunities in our modern society, however there are also many dangers, from which parents, teachers, educators are responsible to protect children. Children are often left without the necessary guidance to stay away from negative influences, which can deform the delicate and innocent outlook of a child.
It should be noted that towards the end of the summer holidays, the monastery of Belgian Fr. Redemptorists (Av. De Jette 225, 1090 Bruxelles) hosted a meeting for administrators and teachers of the Ukrainian school in Brussels, which from March 22, 2009, operates under the UGCC clergy of Brussels. During the meeting, participants analyzed the educational process and outlined programs for the start of the new school year, scheduled to take place on September 19.
The Principal of the Ukrainian school, Fr. Oleh Zymak, CSSR, expressed gratitude to the administrator of the school magister Andriana Semenchenko and to the teachers for all their hard work. In a short amount of time, the number of students expected to attend the school has doubled, which emphasizes positively the dynamics of the school, however it presents new challenges which need to be resolved as soon as possible.
In addition, because of the growing demand from adult learners, including those working at Euro Institute, an adult section of studies of the Ukrainian language will open and will be taught by the administrator of the school herself.
Secretariat of the UGCC clergy of Brussels

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