- 17 August 2009
03:39 - The miraculous Mother of God icon will be crowned in Hoshiv On August 28, 2009, during the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God, on Yasna mountain in the village of Hoshiv, the coronation of Hoshiv’s miraculous icon of the Mother of God will take place. Thousands of pilgrims over many centuries have prayed before this icon.
- 17 August 2009
- 17 August 2009
03:36 - Celebration of the memory of Saint Alfonse Liguori in Kovel’ Recently, Reverend Bishop Josaphat (Hovera), Exarch of Luts’k, took part in celebrations honoring the memory of Saint Alfonse Liguori, in the city of Kovel’. The Greek-Catholic community there has for many years worshiped at the Order of the Holiest Salvatore (redemptionist), the founder of which was Saint Alfonse. The monastery of Kovel’ is named...
- 17 August 2009
- 17 August 2009
03:28 - Sarepta 2009 From July 27 to August 2, a Christian camp for youth, Sarepta, took place in the city of Yaremche (Dora). The commission for youth of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church organized the camp. The purpose was to bring together young people from different eparchies and exarchates of our Church, to give them the opportunity to pray together, to communicate, to...
- 17 August 2009
- 11 August 2009
05:08 - An exhibit of artistic works by prisoners will be opened in Kyiv during the Feast of the Transfiguration The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, through the support of the State Criminal Justice Services of Ukraine, will be holding an exhibit entitled “Transfiguration through God’s Love.” The goal of the exhibition is to convey a message to society from fellow citizens who are currently imprisoned and to educate the public about the prison pastoral services...
- 11 August 2009
- 10 August 2009
04:28 - Security Service of Ukraine “SBU” (SSU) plans to declassify documents that prove the systematic repression of the UGCC during the USSR Ukrainian state archives contain over 1000 documents that confirm the involvement of top authority figures of the Communist Party of the USSR in the planned elimination of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. Deputy chief of national archives of the SBU, Serhiy Kokin, said in an interview with “German Wave” that the majority of these will be...
- 10 August 2009
- 10 August 2009
12:45 - Pope Benedict XVI expresses his sympathy over the violence against Christians in Pakistan Cardinal Tarcizio Bertone, State Secretary of the Apostolic Capital, sent a telegram on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI to bishop Feysalabadu (Pakistan), in which the Pope expressed sympathy over the terrible tragedy that happened in the town of Goyra.
- 10 August 2009
- 06 August 2009
09:56 - Liturgy on Yavoriv ground (Lviv) On Sunday, August 2, 2009, representatives from the Center of Military Chaplaincy of the Lviv Archeparchy of the UGCC, head of the Center Fr. Stephan Sus and military chaplain Fr. Taras Mykhal'chuk celebrated the Divine Liturgy on Yavoriv field, where freshmen students from the Academy of Ground Forces, in Lviv, are taking the “young combatant” course....
- 06 August 2009
- 06 August 2009
12:25 - Update from the Apostolic Exarchate in Great Britain On Sunday, July 26, 2009, in all UGCC parishes in Great Britain, the day of Saint Volodymyr the Great was celebrated with a feast. The message from His Beatitude Lubomyr was read followed by the renewal of baptism vows, as per the request of the Head of UGCC. At the Cathedral Church of the Holy Family in London, Bishop Hlib (Lonchyna), Apostolic Administrator...
- 06 August 2009
- 06 August 2009
12:23 - Austrian catholic information agency reports on a letter sent by Khrushchev to Stalin discussing the destruction of the UGCC An Austrian Catholic information agency has brought to the public’s attention the existence of a letter, which proves the involvement of USSR authority in the destruction of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. The letter written by Nikita Khruschev, leader of the USSR communist party, is addressed to Joseph Stalin and it describes the work that had...
- 06 August 2009
- 03 August 2009
03:22 - Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church introduced the new Head of the Patriarchal Administration On July 29, 2009, workers of the Patriarchal curia met at the office of Patriarch Curia of the UGCC. During the meeting, His Beatitude Lubomyr, Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, introduced the new head of the Patriarchal Administration, Bishop Bohdan (Dzyurakh), who is also the Secretary of Synod of Bishops of the UGCC. Speaking to the workers...
- 03 August 2009
- 31 July 2009
02:39 - Head of the UGCC took part in a live-to-air TV program on channel TVi His Beatitude Lubomyr took part in a live-to-air 30-minute program “Truth of Vitaliy Portnikov,” which gets aired on the TVi channel. The hosts of this program alternate weekly- one week Vitaliy Portnikov hosts “Truth of Vitaliy Portnikov” and the next Roman Skrypin hosts “Truth of Roman Skrypin.” On the webpage of the TV channel, the show is described in...
- 31 July 2009
- 30 July 2009
12:30 - For the third year in a row, the UGCC holds baptism vow renewals during the celebrations for the Baptizing of Rus’-Ukraine “Today, in every parochial community of our Church, all over Ukraine, after the Divine Liturgy, there will be an opportunity to renew baptism vows, which either we, or our godparents in our name, proclaimed on the day we accepted the Sacrament of baptism. We tried to express the deep value and significance of this ceremony taking place on such a historical...
- 30 July 2009
- 30 July 2009
12:26 - Through the patronage of His Beatitude Lubomyr, popular music concerts will be organized in Ukraine Just like the previous round, these concerts will be charitable in nature and the music will unite, support and inspire. From September 7 to 22, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church invites everyone to attend the “With faith and love” concerts. The academic concerts organized in May, under the same name, were a great success. The concerts were a part of a...
- 30 July 2009
- 27 July 2009
05:36 - Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine On July 24, 2009, at the office of Patriarchal Curia of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), a meeting of Patriarch Lubomyr with the prime minister of Ukraine was held. Together with the patriarch, Reverend Bishop Bohdan (Dzyurakh), the head of the Patriarchal Administration, Fr. Oleksa Petriv, and the head of the Secretariat of Major...
- 27 July 2009

We can imagine what the prayer of the prisoners in the Russian torture centers in the Ukrainian Kharkiv region was like – Head of the UGCC on the 206th day of the war 17 September
A vast cemetery, a mass burial, was found near the city of Izyum, in which more than 400 innocently killed and tortured people have already been...