Eparchial Conference on Church Governance
Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 09:53 About 50 delegates from across our Eparchy from Auckland to Perth gathered in Melbourne on 8th-9th December 2015 for a comprehensive conference on the future of the Eparchy.-
See also:
- Meeting of the clergy in the Eparchy of Melbourne
- Bishop Mykola Bychok, celebrated his first Divine Liturgy in the Melbourne Eparchy Cathedral
- Saint Josaphat Eparchy Hosts Missiology and Evangelization Conference
The meeting was organized by the Priest Consultors of the Eparchy, the Eparchial Financial Council, and the Eparchial Pastoral Council. The Parish priest, Parish Council President and the head of the Financial Council of each parish attended.
Slawko Duma, Parish Council head of our Sydney parish said: “I’d like to say that it was a very well organised conference, covering off a myriad of topics – both from a management/administration/legal perspective of the operations of the Eparchy and as these matters especially relate to parish operations and, on the second day of the conference covering off the pastoral-spiritual-caring side of parish work as it relates to not only that of the duties of the clergy and religious (e.g. Sisters), but also to the better utilisation of the laity in this regard.”
Fr. Simon Ckuj added: “I believe that the conference was a great success! All the feedback that I received was very positive.”
On the first day of the conference, the financial and administrative topics were covered. Over time, parish administrative duties of each of our parishes have changed. There are so many more obligations on each of our parishes i.e. work health and safety, government compliance, child protection, bookkeeping, reporting etc.
Andrew Pavuk of Sydney led a major part of the day on these topics. Tatiana Zachariak spoke on compliance issues, budgeting, and bookkeeping were also covered.
Andrew Pavuk introduced the changes to the Eparchial Statutes which were passed a few years ago but are now being promulgated.
The second day was totally dedicated to the Pastoral group of our Eparchy. Fr. Brian Kelty presented the resolutions of the Eparch, Church Sobor, and Synod of Bishops. Each of these resolutions, as pointed out by Bishop Peter, must now be put int place in our Eparchy by the Parish priests and Parish Councils.
Fr. Simon Ckuj presented a very comprehensive plan for the renewal of the Youth Ministry of our church.
Each conference is only as good as the resolve of the participants of each parish to carry out the resolutions. Here again the signs are good. Slawko Duma in reviewing his thoughts before the members of the Sydney parish said: “I must let you know that I am excited by the prospect of the “new direction” – the idea of working under the concept of a Vibrant Parish (ЖИВА ПАРАФІЯ) is in itself very exciting. I believe that we have the right people in our parish, to not only revitalise a Parish Council, but to truly create a parish with great ability to fulfil Patriarch Sviatoslav’s vision for our church…”
The Holy Spirit is present and is blessing our church in Australia.
Pictures: Fr. Ivan Mysiv
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