17 August 2009
03:39 - The miraculous Mother of God icon will be crowned in Hoshiv On August 28, 2009, during the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God, on Yasna mountain in the village of Hoshiv, the coronation of Hoshiv’s miraculous icon of the Mother of God will take place. Thousands of pilgrims over many centuries have prayed before this icon....
17 August 2009
17 August 2009
03:36 - Celebration of the memory of Saint Alfonse Liguori in Kovel’ Recently, Reverend Bishop Josaphat (Hovera), Exarch of Luts’k, took part in celebrations honoring the memory of Saint Alfonse Liguori, in the city of Kovel’. The Greek-Catholic community there has for many years worshiped at the Order of the Holiest Salvatore (redemptionist), the founder of...
17 August 2009
17 August 2009
03:28 - Sarepta 2009 From July 27 to August 2, a Christian camp for youth, Sarepta, took place in the city of Yaremche (Dora). The commission for youth of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church organized the camp. The purpose was to bring together young people from different eparchies and exarchates of our Church, to give...
17 August 2009