From the Head of the UGCC on the 159th day of the war: God gives us our daily bread that is why Ukraine stands, Ukraine fights, Ukraine prays
Tuesday, 02 August 2022, 14:51 The Lord will bless us all. He is the One who gives us our daily bread, as we pray for it in the "Our Father". Therefore, I will repeat: Ukraine stands! Ukraine is fighting! Ukraine is praying! The Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, said on the 159th day of the unequal battle of the Ukrainian people with the Russian aggressor.-
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The Primate noted that during more than five months of the war, the enemy attacked civilian objects, buildings, and people 60 times more than the military ones. It is obvious, the Head once again emphasized, that it is really about the genocidal intentions of the attacker who came to kill the Ukrainian people. “Our people are bleeding... But they are protecting their own, they are defending their land in love for God and neighbor,” added the Head of the Church and spoke about the situation at the front.
“Ukraine is standing! Ukraine is fighting! Ukraine is praying! Above all, Ukraine cares not only about itself but also about how to feed the hungry in the world,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav. He said that today, August 1, the first grain caravan should leave Odesa taking Ukrainian grain and feed the hungry in different countries. “It is a unique moment on which the fate of millions depends. Therefore, let us pray for the success of this noble cause because the enemy destroys bread on purpose. In Zaporizhia alone, the Russians have deliberately destroyed 40,000 tons of Ukrainian grain in recent months,” the Primate called on.
On this day, the Head of the UGCC continued his journey through the paths of wisdom and experience of Christian prayer, reflecting on a listening prayer.
“If we do not know how to listen to God, who addresses us, and answers - the bishop is convinced - then very quickly we can be disappointed in such a prayer appeal to Him. Therefore, listening prayer is an integral part of a person's spiritual life. In dialogue with our neighbors, we will understand them only by learning to listen to them. Then our communication will become full-fledged, mature, and fruitful. Something similar happens in a praying life.”
According to the Head of the Church, a listening prayer is revealed to us in a very special way following the example of the prophet Elijah. Tomorrow we will commemorate him in Ukraine. The prophet on Mount Horeb listened to God approaching him and tried to recognize the moment of His presence. Not in a storm, not in thunder and lightning, but a light breath, God came to him.
“Let us also learn to listen to our God in prayer!” urged His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
He said that in spiritual practice a listening prayer is usually called a prayer with the Holy Scriptures, the word of God, or Lectio Divina, which is an ancient monastic practice of communication between man and God. The Holy Scriptures are not just letters or words. This is the living word of God, with which He addresses us today.
“We need to be able to listen to Him correctly, reading the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, I invite you to this school of prayer with the Holy Scriptures, which has various essential steps to get closer to God's word, hear it, and live by it. Let's read the Holy Scriptures every day!” His Beatitude Sviatoslav addressed the faithful, announcing that in future videos he would tell how to read the Bible.
“God, bless Ukraine. God, hear our prayer. God, speak to us with your life-giving Word, which liberates, strengthens and elevates. The prophet and I call to You today: “Speak to us, Lord! Your servant, Your servants. Your children are ready to listen to You”, the Head of the UGCC concluded.
The UGCC Department for Information
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