Prayerful reading of the Holy Scripture. New video project "Lectio Divina online" starts in UGCC
Thursday, 11 June 2020, 14:03 Every Monday evening on Zhyve TV on YouTube and Facebook, all of us are invited to read the Holy Scripture, meditate, and pray under the guidance of a priest. The project "Lectio Divina online" starts this Monday, June 15, 2020, at 19:30 with the reading from the Book of Revelation.-
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The duration of each online broadcast is about 40 minutes. Lectio Divina online will take place as follows: one of the priests of the UGCC will read a passage from the Bible in the Zhyve Television studio, and then everyone will be able to take part in meditation, prayer, and contemplation through the ZOOM platform. There will also be a live broadcast.
“Lectio Divina, in particular, this online video project, can show us that the text, which was written many years ago, is alive because God continues to speak to us today through the stories of people and through the words recorded in the Bible. The purpose of this project is to help a person move from the knowledge of the Word of God to a concrete experience, to the Word-led life,” explains Fr. Vitaliy Khrabatyn, one of the priests who will conduct a prayerful reading of the Holy Scriptures.
As we know, prayerful reading of the Word of God consists of several stages: reading the Word of God (lectio), meditating on the Word of God (meditatio), praying with the Word (oratio), and contemplation of the Lord through the Word of God (contemplatio). Lectio Divina begins with a prayer to the Holy Spirit for light and His accompaniment during this prayer, and ends with a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing. In the breaks between the four stages of "Lectio Divina Online," Fr. Oleksiy Saranchuk will sing the selected verses from the passage of the Holy Scripture.
ZOOM users who will join in prayer through this platform will be able to express their own words of prayer and participate directly in reflection on Scripture texts. We invite you to join in prayer with the Word of God!
How to take part in the prayerful reading of the Holy Scripture?
Anyone wishing to participate in the Lectio Divina Online programs is asked to send an e-mail to Zhyve TV ([email protected]) with the subject "Lectio Divina online" and a message about the desire to take part in the prayerful reading of the Holy Scripture.
The first live stream of "Lectio Divina online" - this Monday, June 15, 2020, at 7:30pm.
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