- We are willing to open our temples and monasteries for children, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav called on equipping shelters in temples 19 August 2022 13:09 In the way that the Church opened temples, monasteries, seminaries, and spiritual centers to the needy during the Revolution of Dignity, COVID, since the beginning of the war, their dungeons became bomb shelters for hundreds of people, so now we gladly want to open our temples and monasteries to...
- From His Beatitude Sviatoslav: The fact is, we need to distinguish between absolute human rights, which protect one's dignity, and imaginary ones projected by modern ideologies 19 August 2022 13:08 Today, we observe how different ideologies deny the right to life of a person in Ukraine. “Russkiy Mir” ideology, which justifies the denial of the right to existence of an entire people and has a genocidal dimension, is among them. We can also observe how Ukraine hastily ratified the Istanbul...