- The voice of our brothers is crying out from Babyn Yar to heavens, to Ukraine and the whole world, - Head of the UGCC praying for victims of the tragedy 30 September 2021 21:49 This night the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and AUCCRO convey a prayer of solidarity and deep condolences to our brothers, Jewish people. Let us hear the voice of Babyn Yar today and say this “Never again!” addressing Ukraine and the whole world, - urged His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Head of the...
- Ukraine today honor the memories of the victims of Babyn Yar 29 September 2021 10:43 On September 29-30, the Ukrainian World Congress invites everyone to take part in services to honor the memories of the victims of Babyn Yar. The last days of September will mark 80 years of the massacre that began the extermination of about 100,000 people during the Nazi occupation of Kyiv....
- War in Ukraine is war in Europe, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav at the meeting with Cardinal Parolin at CCEE 29 September 2021 10:34 A meeting with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State was held within Plenary Assembly of the Council of Episcopal Conferences of Europe. In his speech the cardinal emphasized that peace enforcement in the contemporary world is the most essential diplomatic function of the Holy See....
- FATHER JOÃO CHAGAS: «I SAW IN THE EYES OF YOUNG PEOPLE GREAT HOPE AND GREAT DESIRE FOR LIFE» 28 September 2021 10:54 Father João Chagas, Head of the Youth Pastoral Office at the Decasteria and is responsible for Family, Layman, and Life in Rome, was present at the Festival Wind of Hope, organized for the sixth time on the 12th September by the Youth Patriarchal Commission of the UGCC. The highly respected guest...
- Online retreat for the clergy in the Eparchy of Melbourne 28 September 2021 10:49 The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Sts Peter and Paul, Melbourne was held a retreat on September 24 - 27, 2021 on the theme of Prayer led by Fr. Michael Cassie, OCSO (Order of Cistercians), attended by priests, deacons, subdeacons and sisters.
- Europe suffers from fatigue. We ought to return to vision of its founders, - Pope Francis to participants of CCEE jubilee 26 September 2021 19:44 On September 23, Pope Francis celebrated Mass to open the 50th plenary assembly of CCEE at St Peter's Basilica in Vatican. His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC with other representatives of European episcopal conferences co-served there....
- Italy in solidarity with Ukraine, - the president of the Italian Republic to the Head of the UGCC 25 September 2021 20:55 On September 24 the participants of Plenary Assembly of the Council of Episcopal Conferences of Europe (CCEE) met with Sergio Mattarella, the president of the Italian Republic. In his speech the President Mattarella emphasized a special mission of Church in modern Europe – unite different...
- Our veterans are treasure of Ukrainian society with enormous potential for development, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav 24 September 2021 12:01 The war on East of Ukraine has been lasting for seven years and almost every day we receive news about Russians attacking our positions, wounded and dead Ukrainian soldiers. For these years a great society of veterans of Ukrainian – Russian war has been formed. The UGCC has been supporting our...
- The Blessed Virgin Mary is a special patroness of priesthood, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav at the seminary 23 September 2021 10:05 Congratulating seminarians on their new academic year His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Head of the UGCC in his homily delivered on the Feast of the of the Nativity of the Most-Holy Theotokos at Spiritual Seminary in Kniazhychi wished seminarians to grow with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the one who was...
- Head of the UGCC accepted a recommendation letter from archbishop Visvaldas Kulbokas, Apostolic nuncio to Ukraine 21 September 2021 22:23 September, 21 on the feast of the Nativity of the Most-Holy Theotokos after the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy celebrated in Kyiv Spiritual Seminary in Kniazhychi, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Head of the UGCC accepted a recommendation letter from a newly appointed Apostolic nuncio to Ukraine...
- Modern man with his greedy hand dips into pockets of future generations, - Head of the UGCC 21 September 2021 14:17 It is worth being realized that in this world we are not the owners of our planet, which is the creation of God, but its governors only, - said His Beatitude Svitoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC in his homily on the 13th Sunday after Pentecost.
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav congratulated Roman Catholics of Ukraine on the 700th anniversary of renewal of Kyiv diocese 19 September 2021 20:35 On behalf of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav congratulated bishop Vitaliy Kryvytskiy, Ukrainian Roman Catholic prelate as the Diocesan Bishop of Kyiv–Zhytomyr in a greeting letter, which was read during the festive Mass.