- His Beatitude Sviatoslav participates in the centenary celebrations of the community in Waterloo Region, Canada 30 September 2016 14:56 On 29th of September the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church visited the parish of the Transfiguration which is celebrating its 100th anniversary as a parish and 90th anniversary of the Church building in Kitchener, Ontario (Eparchy of Toronto). ...
- The Head of the UGCC met with the Mayor of Kyiv. They spoke about the scandalous construction called the Sunny Riviera near the Patriarchal Cathedral 28 September 2016 13:15 On September 26, 2016 His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Head of the UGCC, met with the city mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klytschko. At the meeting they discussed the ways of solving the problems connected with the scandalous construction called the Sunny Riviera next to the UGCC Patriarchal Cathedral....
- Head of the UGCC took part in the opening of a memorial commemorative plaque in honor of victims of political repressions of the twentieth century in Kiev 27 September 2016 16:52 Today is a historic day in the life of Ukraine, because the Church and religious organizations with state officials opened a memorial plaque in honor of repressed thousands of innocent victims of the Nazi and communist political regimes. At that time the doors of hell in Ukraine was this gate to the...
- Head of UGCC: Some Ukrainians are similar to those Israelites who on the way to Land of Israel were missing slavery” 26 September 2016 13:19 Today Ukraine is travelling in the midst of complicated lethal desert of their historic way to the complete liberty in the land granted by God. We often go through the temptations what Israelites felt in the desert. We blame the Lord, and the guides too....
- Head of the UGCC met with representatives of the Catholic Relief Service 20 September 2016 12:51 On 19th September the Head and Father of Church Sviatoslav in Kiev met with representatives of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Catholic Relief Services, which is the official international Catholic humanitarian agency in the United States. Head of the Church told them about the current...
- Head of UGCC: All the gifts we have - ought to be increased and returned to God – that is the sense of Christian perception of goods He gave us” 19 September 2016 22:24 Church Fathers listening to the words about a vineyard, taught that the vineyard God called us to work in – is our personal life, the world we live in, things we are responsible for. Being on earth we need to remember that all God’s creatures are not in our privacy. We are only governors of this land and...
- Head UGCC: "Institutions should not just help pupils get quality education, but also become better people" 15 September 2016 13:28 The new Law of Ukraine about Education, which enables the Church and religious organizations to open schools, are useful. Because education and training are inextricably linked. True education is not possible without education on values and vital landmarks....
- Church looking for opportunities to open a Catholic school in Kiev 14 September 2016 15:21 Ten years we are working in Kiev that to open a Catholic school educational level. I call upon the cooperation of all those who wants that such school appeared in the capital. Said the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav during interactive TV-programme...
- You will never be abandoned or forgotten by God – the UGCC Synod appealed to people who suffered from occupation and war 14 September 2016 13:08 The hierarchs of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church have gathered at the annual synod and addressed the words of support and solidarity to the Ukrainian people, who for more than two years have been living in an undeclared but bloody and devastating war....
- Head of the Church rewarded the builders of UCU church with a patriarchal honor 12 September 2016 14:57 I want to express my gratitude to the builders of this church and those who were trying to help with this. You made a wise decision and wise investments what we are thankful for. I regret for not being able to thank and embrace you all in person.
- Head of the UGCC made a special greeting to the UCU community on the occasion of the consecration of the student's temple 12 September 2016 14:01 On this day, l make greetings from myself and from all the bishops of the Synod and of full Church in Ukraine and in the diaspora community. It is truly historic day that marks the university movement towards the Divine wisdom. That day I strive to make all of you special greetings and wishes....