This film will create a tremendous impression in Ukraine, which now is going through phase when people sometimes lose their hands, Head of UGCC in Chicago
Wednesday, 14 November 2018, 13:26 On Friday, November 9, 2018 in St. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Cultural Center, Chicago was displayed a film before official release dates called “His Beatitude”, a story about patriarch Josyf Slipyj. Film pictures life of patriarch from his release from Siberian gulags it in 1963 and to his death in 1984.-
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Among those who first saw it were priests, parochial council and everyone who wished to, together with His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Head and Father of UGCC and bishop Venedykt Aleksiychuk, Valid bishop of Chicago eparchy of UGCC.
“We are witnesses of a special work in cinematography. Though a film was not a short one, we all watched it with great excitement. Every time people get better acquainted with a personality of patriarch Josyf, who might not even speak Ukrainian, state that he is a person who they are ready to follow, the one who gives them hope, especially in times when they lose their hands”, told the Major Archbishop.
As for him, the film is peppered with some sharp moments, it touches viewers and makes them think.
“This film is going to be revolutionary for Ukrainians, who now might be thinking about Ukraine they want to have in 50 years and feel that our Ukraine has always been and remains to be. And a proof of it are such people as patriarch Josyf, who God sends us”, His Beatitude Sviatoslav said with confidence.
Bishop Venedykt said that patriarch Josyf inspires and motivates us to forget about inferiority complex and start to carry out good deeds.
“The film reflects what a single person can do and what patriarch Josyf did. If he managed to do it all, so all of us can do something to bring some good changes. Instead of it we have this inferiority complex deeply rooted within us, saying, what can I do, what can I influence on”, bishop Venedykt thinks over.
“I looked closely at him and heard what he was saying, - manifestation of holiness which is expressed through humanity, his strong and determined character. However, this is a transfiguration of human which was accomplished in God. Thus, this film is extremely important to me because it shows a person who let God reveal Himself, acting in a particular Church and among particular people. This is an example to all of us to become personalities and do something in our life”, bishop of Chicago eparchy calls us for.
We remind that these days on the invitation of bishop Venedykt His Beatitude Sviatoslav is paying his pastoral visit to Chicago. The aim is to participate in celebration of 50th anniversary of parish of St. Volodymyr and Olha.
The UGCC Department for Information
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