We have to be preachers of hope, - Head of the UGCC on role of Church in current crisis situation
Saturday, 05 February 2022, 22:34 February 4, “Kirche in Not” charity foundation held an online press conference themed “Ukraine: The Church’s experience through eight years of armed conflict”. His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC, and Archbishop Visvaldos Kulbokas, Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine were the main speakers. More than 70 journalists from different countries of Europe and the world took part in the press conference.

See also:
- Shameless theft at the state level, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav on Russia’s attempted annexation of four regions of Ukraine
- War denies the paramount human right – to life, - the Head of the UGCC at the meeting of the VRCiRO with the ombudsman
- From the Head of the UGCC at the Kyiv Three Saints Theological Seminary: We are starting the new academic year with great trust in the Lord
His Beatitude Sviatoslav thanked all the present for their interest in the situation in Ukraine. He introduced the current situation related to the threat of a full-scale military invasion of Russia from Ukrainian perspective, mainly from the point of view of Ukrainian people, as well as the reaction of the religious community of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in particular.
The Head of the UGCC told that Ukrainians feel like they are at the edge of extremely dangerous escalation of military aggression against Ukraine. The present-day escalation is not a simple continuation of the war in Donbass or consequences of the annexation of Crimea. “Right now we are experiencing something very different. We are facing a full-scale escalation between Russia and the collective West, and in this escalation Ukraine is only the part of the full panorama of different threats and tensions. Consequently, this Ukrainian crisis, despite affecting Ukraine itself, affects the whole world as well, especially Europe, the United States and NATO members”, His Beatitude Sviatoslav said.
The Major Archbishop also mentioned that the escalation of this threat against Ukraine has at least four dimensions: military, the war of misinformation, political escalation and the effect on the economy. This conflict is often called a “hybrid war”, which is definitely traced in the present situation.
Outlining the answer given by different Ukrainian Churches and religious organizations regarding the cuurent situation in Ukraine, His Beatitude Sviatoslav welcomed the participants of the conference to get acquainted with the results of a sociological analysis of features of religious self-determination of Ukrainian citizens during the last two decades.
According to the research, Ukrainians put more confidence and trust in Military, Volunteer Organizations and the Church. “This level of trust is a big responsibility for us”, mentioned His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
“Very often people adhere to directions given by the Church, namely how and what we are supposed to do in such critical situations like this one? How to plan the life further on and defend our nation in critical situations? Thus, we feel this kind of responsibility for Ukrainian society, trying to put forward our own plan. What we ought to do when a full-scale military invasion by Russian troops can hit at any time”, the Head of the UGCC explained.
The response of the UGCC in such circumstances, His Beatitude Sviatoslav mentioned that situations like this one requires to stay together, cooperate and support each other. Hence, the UGCC develops networking cooperation of Church community with very specific responses: a prayer, health assistance to the poor, communication of hope and consolidation of society.
In a situation where many people are losing hope, Christians must be preachers of hope, the Head of the UGCC stressed.
“We hope that through prayer and international support we can say loudly “No to violence and war!”. A dialogue and cooperation in solidarity will help to overcome any kind of difficulties”, His Beatitude Sviatoslav summed up.
The UGCC Department for Information

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