U.S. Congressman expressed his support of the people of Ukraine
Saturday, 08 March 2014, 10:18 This, in a telephone conversation with Fr. Lubomyr Zhybak, a priest of the Archeparchy of Kyiv of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, who currently ministers as Administrator of the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Youngstown (Ohio, USA), expressed on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Mr. Tim Ryan, Congressman of the House of Representatives of the United States of America.-
See also:
- Welcome to Kyiv: The Head of the UGCC met with the US ambassador to Ukraine
- Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with the Ukrainian Community of Washington
- Pray for Peace in Ukraine. An Appeal of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of the United States
“I was greatly surprised to have received a phone call from Congressman Ryan’s secretary with the request whether I could speak to the Congressman today. I said yes. Soon afterwards I received a phone call from Washington,” recounts Fr. Lubomyr. “As the Representative of Ohio’s 13th District in the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress, Congressman Ryan asked me whether my parishioners have been keeping in touch with their relatives in Ukraine during these difficult for my homeland’s state-defining processes.” The priest told the Congressman that we, as Christians, not just have been praying every day for the speedy establishment of the true peace in Ukraine, but we have likewise been supporting our brothers and sisters in Ukraine with many other concrete actions, hoping that with the help of the international community the Ukrainian people would be able to stop the military aggression against the integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, so that it could freely develop as a civilized, Christian, European state. “At the end of our phone conversation – went on Fr. Lubomyr – Congressman Ryan, as a Christian, equally expressed his prayerful support of the people in Ukraine and stated that if there was a need in any other assistance on his part, he would do his best.”
The Ukrainian pastor further stated that Congressman Ryan was not the only person, who has recently expressed to him in the U.S. a support for the Ukrainian nation. These, among others, include: Bishop George Murry, SJ, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, council members of the “Knights of Columbus” of the greater Youngstown area and of a local post of the “Catholic War Veterans,” to all of whom Fr. Lubomyr serves as a chaplain. “Even yesterday I have been visited for the first time by Pastor Rusty Wills of the Christian Kingdom Community Church from the neighboring town of Struthers, who came to my parish church together with some of the faithful of his community to pray for the speedy establishment of true peace in Ukraine (the pastor came on crutches, having recently broke his leg!)... All of this testifies to the fact that the world is not oblivious to Ukraine’s fate. Dramatic events that have been unfolding in Ukraine over the past three months is a manifestation of the reality that the Ukrainian people have been courageously defending the true freedom not only in their native land, but the authentic freedom as it is, freedom as a gift received from God Himself. And we, Ukrainians, no matter where in the world we live, will continue to fully support our brothers and sisters in Ukraine until our hearts beat in our chests. So, help us in this, O Lord!” – concluded Fr. Lubomyr Zhybak .
Department of Information of the UGCC
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