UGCC Head went to USA for the National Prayer Breakfast
Tuesday, 04 February 2014, 22:05 Today, on February 4, Year of God 2014, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, at the invitation of the Commission of the Congress of the United States of America left for Washington, DC, to participate in the 62nd Annual National Prayer Breakfast with members of Congress and the President of USA.-
See also:
- Welcome to Kyiv: The Head of the UGCC met with the US ambassador to Ukraine
- Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with the Ukrainian Community of Washington
- Appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad, and to all People of Good Will
“Every year the members of Congress and the President of the United States of America together with other officials, leaders from throughout the USA, the diplomatic corps and colleagues, such as you, from more than 140 countries gather together to share the spirit of friendship through prayer and thanksgiving. This gathering is a time when we forget about our differences and attempt to build and solidify our relations with the assistance of our love for God and we can care for each other,” stated the official invitation addressed to His Beatitude Sviatoslav from the Congress of the United States of America.
As is known, beginning with 1953, every first Thursday of February the political elite of the United States of America, headed by the President gathers for a Prayer Breakfast. This event is organized with the goal of providing political, community and business leaders to assemble and build relationships. The National Prayer Breakfast takes place in one of Washington’s fashionable hotels.
From its beginnings, all presidents of USA have participated in them.In addition to the prayer event, during his stay in USA, His Beatitude plans to have a series of meetings with government officials and politicians of the country as well as make pastoral visits and celebrate liturgies for numerous UGCC faithful in USA.
Mark J. Rozell, Professor of Public Policy at George Mason University (Arlington, VA), co-editor with Gleaves Whitney of a book on the role of religion in the lives of American presidents (Religion and the American Presidency, 2nd edition: Palgrave MacMillan Press, 2012), states: “The National Prayer Breakfast reflects the culture of USA, where the number of believers is growing rather than declining. And people want to have a President with a strong faith; they like the fact that he participates in public events which are expressions of religiosity and faith.”
In USA, many confessions co-exist. Thus, in the words of Mark Rozell, the National Prayer Breakfast is an opportunity for the President to express his religiosity, without insulting representatives of other confessions.
Materials courtesy of Ukrainian branch of “Voice of America”
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