UGCC Cathedral in Ternopil vacated its premises to help medicals
Wednesday, 25 March 2020, 13:59 These days Cathedral of the UGCC in Ternopil became a place for collecting and distributing medical supplies of personal protective equipment and essential medicines for city hospitals. A parish priest Fr. Orest Pavliskyi with the blessing of Archbishop and Metropolitan of Ternopil and Zboriv Vasyl Semeniuk provided catechetical premises for initiative group of young Ternopil bloggers who have organized themselves to help medicals of the city.
See also:
- Head of the UGCC: Denial of the coronavirus and belief in a global conspiracy shows that people are looking for someone to blame for their problems
- Bishop Taras Senkiv handed over four oxygen concentrators to hospitals in Stryi and Peremyshliany
- Representatives of the Anti-Crisis Center of the UGCC told the priests of the Odesa Exarchate about ways to counter the spread of the coronavirus
A group of caring Ternopil citizens, whose member is Fr. Roman Demush, a priest of the cathedral started a community @coronavirus.ternopil and launched a charity flash mob on Instagram under the slogan #nocoronavirus. In a few days’ time young people managed to collect around 250 000 UAH. With the money collected, they bought personal protective equipment and essential medicines for city hospitals. Thousands of people of goodwill joined the campaign.
Interestingly, the initiative group of volunteers received a big amount of medical masks and gloves from a benefactor of Oleksiuk Dental Clinic, which the benefactor directed for the needs of priests and faithful of the UGCC parishes in Ternopil and Zarvanytsia Spiritual Center to undertake pastoral activity with adherence to sanitation system in the time of a great pandemic. Administration of Ternopil and Zboriv archeprchy expresses their gratitude to the benefactor.
On a side note, on Monday, March 22, Head and Father of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav assured that churches, if it is necessary, will turn into “church hospitals” to help medicals during the epidemic.
Press service of Ternopil and Zboriv archeparchy

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