The whole Church is now mobilized, not just the medical chaplains, Fr. Lubomyr Yavorsky
Thursday, 12 November 2020, 20:13 The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is ready to provide its premises for the needs of patients with Covid-19, as well as to help physicians who are now at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic. In a comment for the media hub, Fr. Lubomyr Yavorsky, patriarchal economist of the UGCC and head of the UGCC Anti-Crisis Center, explained the importance of the partnership between the Church and doctors and told which church facilities can be transferred to the needs of patients in Lviv.-
See also:
- Money is resource for ministering, - Fr. Lubomyr Yavorsky at the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC
- Shared grief hurts less. Seven thoughts of the Head of the UGCC of how to overcome hard moments in life in difficult times of pandemic
- The Head of the UGCC met with the Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine
As Fr. Lubomyr noted, The Church is aware of today's problem of Covid-19 not only in Ukraine but also in the world, especially taking into account the number of patients, which is only increasing every day. "Our priority today is to create a safe space in the churches following all the recommendations, including administering the Holy Sacraments (Baptism, Anointing, Wedding, Confession, Eucharist," explains the patriarchal economist.
For those who do not have such an opportunity, the UGCC organized online liturgies in almost every parish, where Ukrainians can unite with the Church. "Of course, this will not fully replace offline worships," said Father Lubomyr, so he hopes that strict quarantine measures will not be introduced.
In addition, the priest reminds that the Church continues to be a partner of the state, doctors, medical institutions in the fight against Covid-19. That is why she is looking for ways to help doctors who, being at the forefront of the fight against the invisible enemy, risk not only their health, but also the lives and health of their loved ones.
In a comment to "Tvoye Misto," the patriarchal economist stated that the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, in particular the Patriarchal Curia of the UGCC, is now ready to provide its own church space for the needs of physicians, as His Beatitude Sviatoslav stated in the spring.
"We have already made an inventory of those facilities so that the Ministry and medical institutions can use them. In particular, in Lviv it is the rehabilitation center in Bryukhovychi, the Patriarchal House, and Sheptytsky Hospital. The Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil Archeparchies also provide their premises for observation," said Fr. Lubomyr Yavorsky.
"The whole Church is now mobilized, not just medical chaplains," said the patriarchal economist. He also noted that today it is necessary to mobilize the entire community of Greek Catholics, particularly in Ukraine, to raise the necessary funds through online donation for the needs of the clergy and their families affected by the virus.
We remind you that His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Father and Head of the UGCC, in Ukraine, during a Sunday sermon in the Patriarchal Cathedral in Kyiv in March, announced that he was ready to offer churches and monasteries for hospitals to save lives from the coronavirus if the need should arise.
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