Money is resource for ministering, - Fr. Lubomyr Yavorsky at the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC
Friday, 15 July 2022, 20:50 On July 14, 2022, the Patriarchal Economist Fr. Lubomyr Yavorsky had the opportunity to present to the members of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC a financial report on the service of the Church.-
See also:
- Pastoral Letter of the 2022 Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church to the Clergy, Monastics and Laity of the UGCC and to All People of Good Will
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav thanks the faithful worldwide for praying for the Synod
- The Synod of Bishops of the UGCC ended with a prayer for Ukraine
“When we talk about money, we clearly realize that it is only a resource for ministering. Therefore, it cannot be in the very heart of our activities. After all, behind every resource there is always a specific person who we minister to. It is about our faithful, about those people who found themselves in difficult situations today, about our employees and creating workplaces. Indeed, wartime is full of many challenges. Therefore, we must constantly mobilize and see a person behind every resource,” shared his thoughts Fr. Lubomyr.
Fr. Lubomyr mentioned that the financial report related to the activities of the Patriarchal Curia and various organizations and charitable foundations founded by it. It is about Andriyiv Hrish Charitable Foundation (Andrew's Pence Fund) the Missionary Fund, and the Priestly and Episcopal Solidarity Fund.
“The second aspect of my report included the presentation of a renewed system of solidarity for the entire Church. It is about integrating our resources to help in the effective functioning of the central structures of our Church,” the speaker added.
At the end, the launch of the Patriarchal Foundation “Wise Business” was introduced to the bishops of the Synod of Bishops, together with those projects which are already being implemented today. “We are talking about two projects – the evacuation of refugees and creation of food kits. In the future, we have plans to build modular houses for forcibly displaced persons.”
At the same time, another charitable project is about creating and delivering food kits to the needy and those affected by the war. One of the consequences of the war was the loss of work for many people, leading to the inability to buy food and starvation in the long run.
The report of Fr. Lyubomyr Yavorsky ended in expressing his appreciation for the fact that bishops support various projects of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church not only prayerfully, but also financially. A vivid example of such support is the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, which is one of the first to be always ready for cooperation.
“The bishops were impressed by our work and demonstrated their openness to further cooperation, especially in the humanitarian area, which came to the foreground today, said Fr. Lubomyr and added: It is important to realize that when we join our efforts and resources, we can help more people. Therefore, diocesan contributions actually help the whole Church to act in helping those affected by the war.”
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