The Head of the UGCC called for support for the construction of the Holodomor Museum
Thursday, 18 November 2021, 11:58 The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, called on all those who are not indifferent to join in raising funds for the construction of the Holodomor Museum. The head of the UGCC stressed the importance of building a memorial, as it is this exhibition that will tell the world the truth about the genocide of our people.-
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He stated this in a video message on the YouTube channel of Holodomor Museum fund, Lvivsky Portal reports.
Patriarch Svyatoslav recalled how during the Holodomor, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky did everything possible to save the victims of the genocide and told the world what was really happening in the country. He called for continuing the Metropolitan's work and preserving the memory of the Holodomor victims.
"Finally, our society has risen to a majestic and holy cause – the construction of a memorial to the victims of the Holodomor. The Ukrainian community is responsible for building a deep exhibition that would tell the world the truth about the genocide of our people.
My great predecessor, the righteous Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, addressed the world community with a majestic reference during the Holodomor – "Ukraine in near-death convulsions" – and began to collect the necessary funds and food to save the dying. Today we must continue the work of the Metropolitan in a certain way and complete the construction of the memorial and the formation of the exhibition. We are called by our contributions and donations to join this holy cause. I am convinced that even the widow's contribution to this cause will lead to the fact that our name will be written in heaven," the head of the UGCC said.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav called for joining a charity event to raise funds for the construction of the Holodomor Museum. Two charity events will be held in Ukraine to raise funds for the construction of the Holodomor Museum. In Lviv, a charity event of the Holodomor Museum will be held on November 20 at the Opera House, and in Kyiv – on November 27.
"We all have a good opportunity – the Lviv Opera House, almost for the first time in history, will host a charity concert and evening to raise the necessary funds for the construction of this memorial and exhibition. All the bishops of our church, as they once did with Andrey Sheptytsky, still want to come to this unique event today. I ask all of you: be with us, join the construction of this important memorial with your donations, in order to fulfill our mission, our duty is to save the memory of those whose lives were taken by hunger," His Beatitude Sviatoslav said.
In 2016, work was resumed on the construction of the second stage of the Holodomor Museum.
In 2020, the President of Ukraine and the Parliament were asked not to reduce funding for the construction of the National Holodomor museum, because Ukraine and the world are waiting for almost 90 years for the development of an integral museum complex.
At the end of 2020, Ukraine presented the grain of truth crowdfunding platform to attract charitable contributions to create and implement the project of the main exposition of the Holodomor Museum.
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