The Head of the UGCC blessed the Patriarchal administrative center of the UGCC in Kyiv
Monday, 07 May 2018, 18:29 His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, sanctified and opened the premises of the Patriarchal Administrative Center of the UGCC in Kyiv on May 7, 2018.-
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At the consecration were: Bishop Volodymyr (Vitjyshyn), Metropolitan of Ivano-Frankivsk, patriarchal economist of the UGCC; Bishop Bohdan (Dzyurakh), secretary of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC; Bishop Josyph (Milian), Assistant Bishop of the Kyiv Archdiocese of the UGCC; Mr. Roman Vashchuk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine; philanthropists and donors; members of Parliament; all clergy of the Kyiv Archeparchy and employees of the Patriarchal Curia.
"Today we are experiencing without exaggeration a historic moment. This moment can be compared only with the event of consecration of the Patriarchal Cathedral of Christ's Resurrection in Kyiv five years ago," stressed the Head of the UGCC.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav recalled what a strange God's plan was. "Five years ago we celebrated the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus’-Ukraine. And the Patriarchal Cathedral was consecrated. This year we celebrate 1030 years of Rus’-Ukraine. And here, on the banks of the old Dnieper, we are sanctifying the Patriarchal administrative center, which truly becomes the heart of the entire Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine and in settlements. People see a coincidence of circumstances, and believers - God's Providenсe. And through these events, the circumstances, the people, whom the Lord gathered here, He is trying to reveal, to explain to us His plan, "- added the Primate.
According to the Head of the Church, the plan of the great builder of this Patriarchal Center - His Beatitude Lubomyr - is also embodied in life. For he saw the Patriarchal Cathedral and the Administrative Center as a whole.
The Primate said that the Church issues many letters, decrees, and epistles, which are signed: it was given in Kyiv, at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. "Many people who read this, ask themselves, “where is it given, where is the place near the Patriarchal Cathedral, where it is all born? And today we can say it's right here, " said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
"Today, without exaggeration, we open the doors of the parental home - the door of the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Today, we thank God first of all for giving us this gift today. We will hug each son and daughter of our Church here, who will come to the father's house ", - said the spiritual leader of the Greek Catholics.
In his opinion, this house should become a place not only where decisions are made. "This should not only be the place," said the Head of the Church, "where, in fact, our Church is going to be administered. This is not only the place where all the executive structures of our Church will be located, including the central ones here, in Kyiv. First of all, this is a space for communication and meeting."
"I would very much want everyone who crosses the threshold of this house to come here with hope. Let people come with hope that gives them an opportunity to see the future, build prospects and build our lives in the hope of the Lord our God, Who, through our common work, will speak to us," said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
The Head of the Church expressed the joy that now all the employees of the Patriarchal Curia and the Kyiv Archeparchy will work together, and will not be scattered around different parts of Kyiv. Also, the Head of the UGCC will be under the same roof on day and night.
The Primate made a word of great gratitude to all those who gave us this house, which we sanctify today. "Today I go with prayer to different parts of the globe. Because we know that this Patriarchal Cathedral and this house were built by our people who live in different parts of the world. I think that the presence of H.E. Аmbassador of Canada today between us is a sign of great collaboration not only of Ukrainians in Canada, but of the whole world, so that we сould have this house," said the Bishop.
He also thanked all those who tirelessly biult the house. In particular, the Primate thanked Fr. Peter Fedіuk, who represents the construction directorate that built this building.
Especially he thanked the Lviv company "Riel", which, de facto, completed the construction.
Also, the Primate remembered with gratitude all those who, by labor, prayer, advice, and contacts with various local authorities helped to advance this day.
He also thanked the Metropolitan Volodymyr, who made a lot of effort to bring forward this day. In addition, the Head of the Church thanked the Bishop Josyph and Bishop Bohdan, who, not only with their own hands, but also with their heart, handed in the erection of this house.
"May the Lord our God reward all of you. And those who enter these premises, remember that someone gave you them with a certain task, with a certain mission. Every day, we must ask God to reveal His plan regarding our work and fulfil it together with our Lord. Let the merciful Lord dwell in this house today," said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
Department of Information of the UGCC
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