Natalia Popovych and Anatoliy Yurkevych – new UCU Senators
Tuesday, 21 April 2015, 15:06 According to Protocol №40 of the meeting of UCU Senate, held on February 13-14, 2015, and with the agreement of the Grand Chancellor of Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU), His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych, Natalia Popovych (President of PRP Group in Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaijan and other SND countries, the Co-founder of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center) and Anatoliy Yurkevych (Entrepeneur and Co-owner of Milkyland) joined the membership of the Ukrainian Catholic University Senate.
See also:
- No event has ever been as extensively covered in the global consciousness as the war against Ukraine, - UGCC Metropolitan Borys Gudziak
- God’s truth will prevail: How the Ukrainian Catholic Metropolia of Philadelphia helps Ukrainians during the war?
- Archbishop Ihor Isichenko receives honorary doctorate from UCU
Natalia Popovych is a graduate of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy National University, Department of Sociology and Social Technology, 2001, MP in Political Studies.
Occupation: Public Relations, Public Affairs, and Marketimng Communication. Focus of activities: management of reputation of companies, brands, and leading people; crisis communications; strategies of corporate social responsibility, and communication strategies. Marketing territories for development of tourism and the involement of investments. During her career Natalia Popovych was a consultant to Ukrainian government on issues of state communication processes, top-management of large international companies regarding media-strategy in the post-soviet realm, as well as a developer of programs of social responsibility for local and international business.
At present, she heads the Committee of International Relations at the Ukrainian Association of Public Relations (UAPR), is the autor of International Technology Public Relations Review,and is regarded as an expert in Russian and Ukrainian media in reputation and crisis management, corporate social responsibility, and relations with the media.
Anatoliy Yurkevych — Ukrainian entrepreneur, a candidate in Economics. He was on the short-list of the award “Person of the Year — 2010″ in the nominations of “Entrepreneur of the Year.”
According to Focus Journal, he was rated as 39th in the list of the wealthiest Ukrainians in 2011.
In 1990, he completed Kyiv Higher Army-Engineer Academy of Communications.
1992 — Vice-Director of NPVF Bankomzv’iazok. 1993 — Head of Management and Supervisory Board of OAO Bankomzv’iazok. 1997 — bought the first of 11 milk plants. 2008 –bought from the Russian Federation the large Ostankino Milk Plant as well as businesses in Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Kryvyj Rih. Owner of the Kray and Krayina supermarket chain, Mahellan Shopping Center, and the City State Building Project.
February 6, 2000 – November 16, 2002 — Vice-Director, Entrepreneur Council of Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers. 2002 – 2005 — member of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers. Since June 3, 1999 — Head, Council of Community Organization of the Union of Entrepeneurs, Business Initiatives.
The Senate is a fully-authorized collegial organ of management and controll of the University, which defines the basic principles and directions of its developmenrt and makes the decisions about its most vital issues of activity. At present, full members of UCU Senate are: Bishop Ihor Voznyak, UGCC Archbishop and Metropolitan of Lviv; Bishop Volodymyr (Yushchshak), Eparch of Wroclaw-Gdansk UGCC; Bishop Borys (Gudziak), President of Ukrainian Catholic University, Head of UCU Senate, Bishop of the Eparchy of St. Volodymyr the Great in Paris for Ukrainian Greek-Catholics in France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, and Switzerland;
Rev. Dr. Bohdan Prach, Rector, Ukrainain Catholic University; Danylo Bilak, Manager Partner of the Ukrainian Office of CMS Cameron McKenna; Robert Brinkley, Head of the Council of Management of The BEARR Trust; Extraordinary and Plenipentiary Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Ukraine (2002-2006), Wolf Dierich Haym; Extraordinary and Plenipentiary Ambassador of Austria to Ukraine, Dr. Yuriy Yekhanurov, Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005-2006); Taras Kytsmey, member of the Council of Directors of the Corpotration Softserve; Mykola Kmit, First Vice-President of the Professional Football League of Ukraine, Head of Lviv Regional State Administration (2008 – 2010); Bohdan Kozak, President of TVK Lvivkholod; Dr. Tetiana Krushelnytska, community activist, Senior Lecturer of Physics at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Deputy of the Fifth session of Lviv City Council; Yaroslav Rushchyshyn, General Director of VAT Trottola; Taras Tymo, Director of Ukrainian Catholic University Library, Secretary of UCU Senate; Natalia Popovych and Anatoliy Yurkevych.
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