Jesus Christ comes to this temple to preach to us about the gift of forgiveness of sins, the Head of the UGCC at the consecration of the church in Yuzhne
Wednesday, 11 July 2018, 12:30 The Lord has given us a special grace - He not only begs us to forgive ourselves and our neighbors, but also by His own example showed the power of this forgiveness. Moreover, the forgiveness of sins is the greatest treasure that we can receive as sinners.-
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This was emphasized during the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy by the Father and Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav on Sunday, July 8, 2018, in the city of Yuzhne (Odesa region). Before the Liturgy, the Head of the UGCC consecrated the temple, built in honor of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
Bishop Mykhailo (Bubnij), Exarch of Odesa and the Administrator of the Crimean Exarchate, many priests from different cities of Ukraine, as well as representatives of the authorities, in particular, the Mayor of Yuzhne Volodymyr Novatsky, took part in the sanctification of the temple and Liturgy.
" ... In today's Gospel we read that Jesus Christ was brought a paralyzed man. He seems to be healthy but in fact is broken in himself, that is, there is no core that could bind all of him together. And the reason for such a state, as the Son of God says, is not only a physical ailment, but a spiritual one. Apparently, our Savior, as a good physician of souls and bodies, sees this man and immediately touches the cause and says the words that nobody expected to hear: "Your sins are forgiven!" - in this way the Head of the UGCC addressed the faithful at the beginning of the sermon.
"We know well that in the Old Testament we do not read about forgiveness of sins, and we hear the word of punishment, say, the punishment for sin is death. However, with the coming of Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sins is the core of the apostolic preaching. Therefore, now Christians throughout the world repeat the same words: "I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins!" - added the preacher.
According to him, it is the greatest treasure that we can receive as sinners.
"The Lord calls us for a personal meeting. He invites us to show our weakness, to bring our own paralytic man to Him, not to hear the words of condemnation, not to laugh at us or condemn. He asks us to bring Him our weaknesses in order to hear the words: "Take your bed, get up and walk!" - said the Head of the UGCC.
In his view, forgiveness of sins is always a transfiguration of man, his rebirth, healing, returning to a full-fledged human life. This is also the moment of epiphany.
"Today we have witnessed the sanctification of this newly built temple ... Jesus Christ comes here to preach to us all (from this place) the gift of forgiveness of sins. We read the kneeling prayer of consecration and the request that this temple be the meeting place between the Almighty and man ... " said the Head of the UGCC.
"We consecrate this temple to the supreme apostles Peter and Paul," said His Beatitude Sviatoslav and added: "We want to ask the supreme apostles Peter and Paul to take care of this temple, the community and all people who need good news that sins can be forgiven by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit! "
His Beatitude Sviatoslav expressed his sincere gratitude to the present clergy, authorities and parishioners for being active participants in this event, as well as for their efforts in building this temple. In addition, the Head of the Church noticed that now we must take care of the unity of Ukraine, to testify of God's forgiveness and to forgive ourselves.
"Let this temple become a place, an area of mutual love, power and grace of the Holy Spirit, which is active and real today between us; so that everyone who comes here, hears the words: "Take courage, my son! Your sins are forgiven!", - said His Beatitude Sviatoslav in the end.
The Head of the UGCC also thanked the parish priest Fr. Vasyl Kolodchyn, director of "Caritas-Odesa", for many years of fruitful work and ministry to people.
We would like to recall that the construction of the temple of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul began in June 2007 with the forces of only 30 parishioners and benefactors. In 10 years they managed to complete it. Prior to this, the parishioners had prayed in a small chapel.
Department of Information of the UGCC
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