Interconfessional forum “ecumenical dialogue and its influence on the ecological situation in Ukraine” held in Kyiv

Thursday, 10 September 2020, 21:52
September 11, 2020, undergoing all rules of the quarantine and safety measures, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church together with representatives of Ukrainian Orthodox and Protestant Churches are planning to organize an interconfessional forum called “ecumenical dialogue and its influence on the ecological situation in Ukraine”.

An event will take place at the premises of Darnytsia District State Administration in Kyiv.

Environmental protection is a highly topical issue nowadays. This year’s pandemic has demonstrated explicitly how human’s negative influence can affect environment, harm the nature, thus extend ecological crisis. It also shows how closely the world is interconnected. For this reason Ukrainian Churches by realizing that they are no isolated and are called to care for the world created by God and to protect the future of our planet.

The reports in this respect are as follows: “An interconfessional dialogue regarding responsible and careful treatment to the world created by God”, Fr. Roman Romanovych, UGCC; “A letter of His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphaniy, the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine on the Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation”, Fr. Andriy Holovkov, OCU; “The inner world of a human as a key to preservation of environment”, Fr. Vasyl Kostiuk, UOC; “The temple of God inside a human and environment”, pastor Roman Ovcharenko, ECB.

The moderator of the event is Fr. Andriy Bodnaruk, head of the Press office of Kyiv Archeparchy, UGCC.

An ordinary conversation with further discussion is planned between Orthodox, Greek Catholics and protestants in order to rethink contemporary ecclesiological reality and draw reasonable conclusions in the spotlight of new ecological challenges and COVID-19 epidemic.

UGCC Commission on Interreligious and Inter-Confessional Relations


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