How to act like we do care when all around really don’t, - the Head of the Church to youth

Thursday, 22 July 2021, 12:19
When we see people’s transgressions, iniquities and even crimes we, first of all, have to undertake an examination of conscience, so not to do the same and never tolerate this kind of behavior.

Such instruction was given by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church to youth during a nationwide pilgrimage to Zarvanytsia.

His Beatitude Sviatoslav pointed out that probably each of us at least once in a lifetime has asked oneself how to act like we do care when all around really don’t? How to advocate for the truth, when all the rest tolerate lies? Sometimes people are afraid to tell the truth, as those who do so are not much loved. “Because who, - he asks rhetorically, - loves to hear the truth about themselves?”

Under such circumstances, the Major Archbishop recalling the words of St. Paul the Apostle, advises not to discourage, not to lose hands, not to put up with evil and own conscience.

“Therefore, Jesus says: look for the truth, know the truth and the truth will set you free. Since we live in the truth, we are free. We have to care for living by the truth every day and not let evil penetrate our deeds, on the contrary we ought to be willing to do good”, - encourages the Head of the Church.

As St. Augustine used to say, if we want to change somebody, we ought to love them first. “Later, everything we will be saying to that person is an act of love; and that love will give us a hint, when it is good to speak and when not to”, says His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

His also advised young people to love their Church. “Love your Church. If you want it to be better, if you want less conformism in our communities, parishes together with clericalism and other sorts of “ism” – love your Church. Since it is your mother! Only those who love their Church are able to make it better”, the Head of the Church assumes.

As an example he suggests himself. “I will be frank with you to tell that, as the Head of the Church, I receive complaints from all over the world. Sometimes I ask myself: “Good Lord, how I am supposed to love that wounded parish, that wounded priest, monk or nun?! That boy or girl? But only when I love them I can help to heal their wounds. Then we all are able to become a little better”, the Head of the Church assures.

The UGCC Department for Information


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