Holy Father Francis approved decrees on removal from monastic state of Fr. Planchak and other eight monks
Tuesday, 20 March 2018, 17:25 It is hereby reported to us that on February 9, 2018, Holy Father Francis approved the decrees of Archbishop and Metropolitan Basil (Semeniuk) about the removal of nine monks from the monastic state: hieromonk Antony-Gregory (Roman Planchak), hieromonk Andrij (Mykola Kostevsky), brother Makarij (Mykola Kosharsky), brother Joan (Mykhailo Ratych), brother Vartolomej (Andriy Zubrytsky), brother Yakiv (Dmytro Sasin), brother Panteleimon (Ivan Vasylyk), brother Marian (Mukhovsky), brother Mykola (Khakhula). This decision of the Holy Father is final and can not be appealed.-
See also:
- Head of the UGCC congratulated Pope Francis on his 85th anniversary
- Holy Father blessed the Head of the UGCC in the Jubilee Year of the Basilian Order of St. Josaphat to grant the monks and faithful the Papal blessing
- Holy Father Francis expressed his support of the Ukrainian nation
These persons are former members of St. Theodore Studite's Monastery in the village of. Kolodiivka, Ternopil region. Now they are illegally staying in the village of Posich, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
According to the decrees approved, they lose belonging to the monastic state, do not have the right to wear monastic clothes, lose all rights and are deprived of all duties arising from taking monastic vows and can no longer call themselves monks.
In addition, according to the rules of Church law, Father Planchak and Father Kostevsky do not have the right to conduct any religious ceremonies. They can not serve Divine Liturgy, administer the Holy Mysteries, and perform other services in or outside the temple, including any public prayers for the sick, exorcisms, or similar practices.
On May 3, 2017, a statement was made by the Synod of Bishops of the Kyiv-Halych Supreme Archbishopric on "Revelations" of s. Mary Baran, spread by Anthony-Grygory Planchak. In order to solve complex problems, by the decision of His Beatitude Svyatoslav with the consent of the Permanent Synod, the reorganization of St. Theodor Studit's Monastery in the village of Kolodiivka took place. This decision was confirmed by the Congregation for the Eastern Churches in Vatican.
The brotherhood of the monastery, headed by the abbot Mark (Shniak), has accepted the decision of the church authorities and continues the monastic life in the village of Kolodiyivka according to the monastic tradition and rules. Instead, part of the monks did not accept the admonitions of the Church authorities and refused to listen to them. They continued to violate the rules of the monks and finally illegally settled in vil. Posich, Ivano-Frankivsk region. They did not want to correct their behavior. After the relevant warnings, nine monks have been removed from the monastic state. This decision was personally approved by the Roman Pontiff.
The UGCC Department for Information
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