From the Head of the UGCC on the 82nd day of the war: Valuable advice can save a human’s life
Tuesday, 17 May 2022, 12:55 We all need spiritual and moral guidelines in earthly life. Therefore, do not be afraid to approach those who doubt. Let us not be afraid to counsel in doubt with advice on seeking good that the Lord reveals in our hearts. The Father and Head of the UGCC called on in his military address on the 82nd day of russia’s war against Ukraine.-
See also:
- Shameless theft at the state level, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav on Russia’s attempted annexation of four regions of Ukraine
- War denies the paramount human right – to life, - the Head of the UGCC at the meeting of the VRCiRO with the ombudsman
- From the Head of the UGCC at the Kyiv Three Saints Theological Seminary: We are starting the new academic year with great trust in the Lord
“Despite great difficulties, the Ukrainian army, perhaps, by the Divine Mercy, successfully defends their relatives, their land, and the Ukrainian State.”, states the Primate.
“Yesterday we received good news that our soldiers have reached the state border of Ukraine around Kharkiv, liberated another part of Ukrainian land from the russian invader. However, heavy fighting is taking place on the entire eastern front, with many casualties. The enemy uses phosphorous and cluster bombs, particularly in the Dnipropetrovsk region, which creates extremely difficult situations, difficult circumstances. The enemy burns everything his murderous hand can reach”, mentioned the Head of the UGCC.
He assured that the UGCC especially prays for the Ukrainian army, Ukrainian soldiers who give their lives for the Motherland. “We thank our military chaplains who courageously serve as priests in the military team in such difficult circumstances”, the Primate added.
On this day, His Beatitude Sviatoslav continued his reflections on the works of mercy for the soul and reflected on the next of them – to counsel the doubtful.
“We know,” he says, “that a person tends to doubt. And this is good. Doubt is a person's ability to move forward. Doubt is typical for Christ's disciple who is on his way, moves to the fullness of the knowledge of the Truth, to the maturity of life in Christ”.
Doubt, the Archbishop continued, urges us to seek help to understand how to do the right thing, how to live well. It is very important that, when we are in doubt, there is someone to give us advice. Sometimes advice is more valuable than any lands or material goods.
“Valuable advice can save human life and our soul from eternal destruction, from sin and death”, the Head of the UGCC is convinced.
“The only thing we should never doubt is that God loves us. God's love is as certain as the Christian hope that He is always with us. Psalmist David says: “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save”, he emphasized.
He added: “The Lord in the Holy Spirit gives people a special gift. It is a gift of counsel that manifests itself as spiritual fatherhood or motherhood. When we need advice, we turn to spiritual fathers, to parents, to the Lord. Because we know that they love us and, as act of their love for us, can give us good, valuable, holy advice.
“Let us not have doubt that Ukraine is winning and will win. Let us have no doubt that the truth has its power and will always defeat lies”, the Major Archbishop assured.
We pray, he added, that the Lord bestows on our Church as generously as possible the gift of the Holy Spirit called “counsel” so that anyone who doubts can receive good counsel with good counselors near us.
“God bless Ukraine! God bless her children! God, grant the power of Your Truth to expel the enemy from the Ukrainian land and defend our home and our land! God bless all those people who are trying today to serve their neighbor with good advice! Give them wisdom, knowledge and all other graces that the Holy Spirit pours out on God's people!” the spiritual leader asks for Ukrainians.
The UGCC Department for Information
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