Christians of Zaporizhia to celebrate Easter with joint initiatives
Wednesday, 29 March 2017, 12:23 Christian Churches of Zaporizhia region announced common initiatives to mark Easter and the celebration of 500th anniversary of the Reformation.-
See also:
- The Head of the UGCC congratulated the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine on Easter
- Your prayer is a shield for all of us: 7th All-Church pilgrimage of Monasticism started in Zaporizhia
- Today, heavenly peace and joy come to us through the closed doors of quarantine restrictions, the Head of the UGCC in Easter greeting
Members of the Spiritual Council of Christian Churches of Zaporizhia were reported as saying this during a press conference held on March 28, at the press center “Journalist” of Zaporizhia Regional National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
The press conference was attended by Bishop Photios of Zaporizhia and Melitopol, UOC-KP, Bishop Stepan, Donetsk Exarch of the UGCC, the Bishop Jan Sobilo of the RCC, Diocese of Kharkiv and Zaporizhia, senior pastor of the Pentecostal churches association of Zaporizhia region Vasily Hedarevych, rector of the Armenian Apostolic Church congregation, Father Yusik Nuridzhanyan, senior pastor, bishop of charismatic Christian Church “Source of life” in Zaporizhia region Serhiy Haschenko, pastor of the Church “Christ is the Answer” Andriy Lysenko, pastor of the Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists “Renaissance” Iakiv Brynza, pastor of the Religious community of the Local Evangelical Christian Church “Zion” Andriy Yarmohin and other representatives of the churches. Father Anatoly Revtov, representative of the UOC (MP), noted that his church would not take part in joint activities, but would pray for all participants.
During the press conference, the spiritual leaders announced the activities and invited to take part as believers and all Zaporizhia residents.
Now, as part of the celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the perpetual unceasing prayer of Protestant Christian Churches continues. Zaporizhia region took the baton on March 26 from Volyn region. The solemn prayer with passing further the baton – to believers of Khmelnytskyy region – will be held in Kyiv on the street of Heroes of the Revolution of Dignity on April 2 at 18.00 within a traditional weekly prayer against aggression, for peace and for Ukraine, which continues in the city for over three years, and involves parishioners and representatives of various churches.
On April 8, from 10.00 in Pushkin park, as part of the solemnities of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation starts the charity activity for cleaning and landscaping this green land plot. The church leaders also confirmed their intention to arrange in that green zone a family “Park of the Biblical Period,” with areas for children, cafes, places of rest. All citizens are invited to participate in cleaning of the park.
On April 16, the day when Easter is celebrated both according to the Gregorian and Julian calendars (this year these dates coincide), after the ceremonial worship everyone is invited to take part in solemn procession on the main avenue of Zaporizhia. The representatives of all Christian denominations and those willing are to assemble at 16.30 at PC “Dniprospetsstal,” from 17.00 to 18.00 a festive procession to the Cathedral Square Avenue to Festival will be held, where a joint prayer and concert will be held. The large-scale prayer event aims to assert the unity of our people and strengthen the spiritual meaning of Easter. It was reported by a journalist of RISU.
Source; RISU
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