Caritas-Kyiv is asking for help in feeding the homeless and needy
Friday, 12 March 2021, 11:44 “Charitable foundation “Caritas-Kyiv” provides homeless and needy people with hot dinners. In particular, these people, who cannot care for themselves and suffer from hunger, are elderly people, homeless and disabled ones”, informs Fr. Roman Syrotych, director of Caritas-Kyiv.-
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- These days, all those who did not take up arms are volunteers: Head of the UGCC in Brovary
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Hot dinners are cooked in the Charitable kitchen of Caritas-Kyiv and delivered to the street, where all people who need a help have an opportunity to eat hot food. Over a thousand dinners have been served already.
Food distribution is carried out in Kyiv, Kurnatovskoho Str, 7 every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 3 pm.
Due to limited opportunities, there are just 80 dinners served twice a week. Nevertheless, we have a hope that with a support of good-natured people we will manage to increase the frequency of food distributed and quantity of dinners altogether. For all those who are willing to help, we are asking you for support.
To transfer funds to a separate account – use Privat.24, transfers by requisites.
USR Register Code 21477781
(IBAN) UA363253650000026004030299143
Purpose of payment – charity donation
Your donation is something bigger than a piece of bread for those who need it. It is about concern that warms one’s heart, restored belief of people in themselves. It is about confidence that people are understood and supported, and their age, as well as dignity is respected. What is more, it is about our Christian obligation needed to be fulfilled. God will return to us a hundredfold.
“Due to the pandemic many people have found themselves beyond survival, especially those lonely elderly people and all who got into difficult life circumstances. Caritas constantly supports people in need. Despite a situation, it is important for us to show that every person is with their dignity intact with God remembering all of us”, tells Fr. Roman Syrotych, Director of Caritas-Kyiv.
Press-service of Caritas-Kyiv
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