AUCCRO: " The government, the opposition and the civil society activists should stop violence and start negotiations "
Saturday, 25 January 2014, 14:34 Members of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations are essentially condemning the power actions leading to the conflict escalation and call on all the conflict members in Ukraine to start negotiations .-
See also:
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"All the confrontation parties have to be aware of their responsibility for maintaining a unified Ukrainian state and begin a constructive dialogue to overcome the socio - political crisis. We hope that today's celebration of Ukrainian Unity and Liberty will help to find the way to reconciliation and understanding between the government and the people, between different political forces and civil society "- is stated in the document.
Members of AUCCRO urge to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine and strongly reject any idea of secession or separation of the Motherland. " We are one nation ! It is necessary to detect brotherly and sisterly love to our compatriots, despite the origin, language, religion and so on. Incitement to hatred for a person through ethnic and religious differences are unacceptable , "- said representatives of churches and religious organizations.
Members of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, which differ among themselves by denominational, religious or ethnic affiliation, call all believers as citizens of our united state to pray for unity, understanding, peace and a decent future of the people of Ukraine. "We are ready to assist in the beginning of a constructive dialogue ," - says the AUCCRO .
UGCC Department of Information
Appeal of All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations
on the Day of Unity and Freedom of Ukraine
The Day of Unity and Freedom of Ukraine – is a special celebration that not only reminds us of the unbreakable unity of all Ukrainian lands in the independent free state, but also symbolizes the unity of Ukrainians in a variety of opinions, attitudes and approaches to building our future.
Today in Ukraine the confrontation is continuing, and in recent days , unfortunately, has become acute and forceful. In the center of Kyiv there were clashes between protesters and the police , as a result hundreds of people are wounded. In fact, the country is on the brink of the civil war.
Churches and religious organizations in Ukraine are essentially condemning the power actions, leading to an escalation of the conflict. Today the authorities, the opposition and the civil society activists should stop violence and start negotiations. All the confrontation parties have to be aware of their responsibility for maintaining a unified Ukrainian state and begin a constructive dialogue to overcome the socio - political crisis. We hope that today's celebration of Ukrainian Unity and Liberty will help to find the way to reconciliation and understanding between the government and the people, between different political forces and civil society.
We urge to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine and strongly reject any idea of secession or separation of the Motherland, because we are one nation! It is necessary to detect brotherly and sisterly love to our compatriots, despite the origin, language, religion and so on. Incitement to hatred for a person through ethnic and religious differences are unacceptable.
We, members of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, different in confessional , religious or ethnic affiliation, encourage all the faithful citizens of our states to the united pray for unity , understanding , peace and a decent future of the people of Ukraine. We are ready to contribute to the beginning of the constructive dialogue.
The Only and Almighty God, save Ukraine for us!
On behalf of the Head of the AUCCRO
Boryspil and Brovary Metropolitan,
Administrator of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
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