A new Baccaulareate program in Sociology will start at UCU in the coming 2015-2016 academic year
Thursday, 12 February 2015, 12:16 A new Baccaulareate program in Sociology will start at UCU in the coming 2015-2016 academic year. The course will include subjects such as: Public Health (Health, illness, and culture; Enhancing health; Standardization and certification ofactivities in the area of protecting health; Managing specific sub-systems of the protection of health), work of students in a sociological laboratory, project management to achieve success in the market of self-employment and deepening one’s knowledge of the English language.
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]Pro-Rector Taras Dobko emphasized that today’s system of higher education presents great possibilities for formulating conceptually new models of learning and permits the construction of a program which will flexibly react to the demands of the employment market. And the absence of a standard in sociology in Ukraine, permits the creation of a qualitatively new entry of contents of study, forming it while taking into account evident problems and social needs.
Doctor in Historical Studies, the Director of the Program, Oksana Mlkheyeva, says that the situation in the emplyment field has forced graduates of Sociology to orient themselves on the formation of models of “Sociology+”, which contains in it four basic elements and is an innovation on the current market of educational services in Ukraine:
1. Block of sociological knowledge (with a deeper studying of the sociology of medicine, health, and sports.) This block is fundamental and permits to achieve upon completion, a full- fledged professional sociologist, capable of fulfilling a whole span of professional functions;
2. Block of theological and humanitarian disciplines, aimed at the formation of a good moral basis of the future professional, his/her value-worldview coordinates;
3. Block of knowledge, aimed at forming in the student skills of organization of one’s own matters, the realization of projects and management, since the professional realization of a sociologist is based basically on on self-ignition; Knowledge of Public Health (“Health, illness, and culture,” “Enhancing health,” “Environment and health,” “Social health and biostatistics,” “Standardization and certification of activities in the sphere of health protection,” “Management of separate sub-systems in health protection,” Management of projects in the realm of health protection, etc.). According to Oksana Mikheyeva, the given block of knowledge will broaden the possibility of gaining employment for the graduate sociologist due to the sector of citizen health that received a meaningful push for the development in contemporary Ukraine of changes in the medical area;
4. Practical skills, gained through involvement in practical activities — realization of sociological research projects — on the basis of UCU sociological laboratory. A significant component of the program, which permits the student to “taste” the future specialization and to gain skills of practical work already during their studies.
Oksana Mikhayeva emphasizes that the program will be geared towards a deeper knowledge of English language by students, considering that starting with the 3rd year, students should be able to take courses in Engl;ish. After all, according to plans, starting with the 3rd year, in the program there will be professionals from abroad, especially in Public Health. According to the UCU professor, in the future, for further development of the students, there will be several M.A. programs established, the acceptance and enrollment in which will flexibly change according to social needs. Oksana Mikheyeva states that the University is not retreating from sociology in the politics of the University.
“At first the students will analyze the political situation within the realm of working in the sociological laboratory, and eventually — this can become one of the M.A. programs. However, research of politics will not be a priority,” states the Program Director.
Sociology+ Professional sociological knowledge Values, worldview attitude Management / business / self-employment Pulic health (community health) Practical readiness (sociological laboratory).
Taras Dobko believes that the high moral authority of UCU, its presence in theological and humanities core programs, accent on sociological ethics should become a noticeable contribution to the future of the specialty and increase the social trust towards sociological results which students and graduates will carry out.
Taras Dobko underlines that the program in sociology is significant for UCU, since it will broaden the possibilities of actively and professionally initiating the discussion of significant social issues, necessary for the successful development of Ukrainian society. Above all, this involves community health, human dignity, reconsideration of the role of preventive medicine as a counterpoint to medical “pills and scalpels,” the strengthening of the value of a healthy way of life and the like.
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