120 thousand pilgrims in Zarvanytsya prayed for peace in Ukraine
Monday, 20 July 2015, 13:55 All-Ukrainian pilgrimage to Zarvanytsya, which lasted on July 18-19, gathered a record number of pilgrims - 120 thousand people. As noted by the organizers, it is not the largest massive pilgrimage in recent years.-
See also:
- International theologians in support of Ukraine
- Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with the Ukrainian Community of Washington
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav, like Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky 25 years ago, renewed the consecration of the Church and the people to the Protection of the Theotokos in Zarvanytsia
According to the Information Department of the UGCC,it was attended by members of the UGCC Synod led by Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), Papal Nuncio in Ukraine Archbishop Thomas Gullikson, clergymen from Rome.
This year's pilgrimage was dedicated to celebrating the 150th anniversary of Metropolitan Andriy Sheptytskiy and prayer for peace in Ukraine.
Speaking to the audience, the patriarch noted that mothers of the deceased Ukrainian soldiers joined the nationwide pilgrimage to Zarvanytsya. The hierarch expressed his condolences and assurances of prayer for the new Heroes of Ukraine.
“Going on a pilgrimage with this cross, we brought to the feet of Jesus and Mary so much of our pain, tears and so much blood, so many deaths we've seen in the last year. Here with us there are mothers of our fallen soldiers who constantly shed tears and onto whom we want to bow and takes their mother's pain today to bring it to our Savior,” he said.
Patriarch Sviatoslav also spoke about the completion of the main phase of the beatification of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskiy, which had lasted over 50 years. According to him, from now on the Metropolitan may be called the righteous. Further expert committee will examine the miracles that occurred at his mediation. If the supernatural source of healing that occurred through the prayers of the servant of God Metropolitan Andrey is confirmed, the Church will have another great saint.
In his speech, the patriarch drew attention of pilgrims to the issue of the defense of marriage as a union of man and woman, stressing that the new draft constitution of Ukraine posed a threat to traditional marriage. He recalled that recently he sent a relevant letter to the Chairman of the Ukrainian parliament and urged all those attending to defend family values in Ukraine by all legal means.
The patriarch expressed special gratitude to Archbishop Thomas Edward Gullickson, apostolic nuncio in Ukraine, for his courageous stance and “evidence of the truth about Ukraine in the world.”
At the end of the celebration, Patriarch Sviatoslav blessed the memorial chapel of St. George, built in honor of the fallen heroes of the Heaven’s Hundred and the ATO soldiers. It is planned to build a monitor inside which is to show information about the Heroes non-stop.
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