His Beatitude Sviatoslav greeted all the faithful and people of good will celebrating Christmas on December 25

Sunday, 26 December 2021, 16:37
Sending my sincere congratulations to our brothers and sisters who are celebrating Christmas in Ukraine and throughout the world today, I would like to draw special attention to the words with which the choirs of angels trumpet to the world the good news of the birth of the Messiah.

Beholding the defenseless Infant laid in the crib of Bethlehem, they glorify the Creator with solemn singing: “Glory to God in the highest heaven”, Luke 2, 14.

The peace that the Lord gives us in the sacrament of Incarnation is the fruit of God's justice revealed to the world in the birth of the Savior: God comes to a man to open the way to the kingdom of eternal love. His justice is reflected in the father's mercy, without tolerating a sin, the Creator leans toward the man wounded by sin to offer him healing.

The challenges the global human community is facing today, which threaten the peace and well-being of all mankind, require us to be united to counteract all manifestations of evil. When we direct our eyes and hearts to the manger of Bethlehem, the light of hope overcomes pitch darkness of night, lightening the path.

Surrounded by many dangers, today, more than ever, we need concerted efforts and dedicated cooperation for the greater good of our people, to get untied and defend our right for a prosperous future.

Thus, in a special way, I invite you today, dear beloved Christ, to join our whole universal family in the prayer for peace for the world and, particularly, for our country, for searching unity and understanding, supremacy of law in the Ukrainian State, humble wisdom among those whom the Lord has entrusted to lead our people through times of terrible trials and for shared responsibility for each other.

May the Child of God, who on that memorable night in Bethlehem united around his crib both sages and poor shepherds, and later all mankind, give us today the strength and wisdom not to fall prey to our quarrels and misunderstandings but create a just society based on respect for the dignity of every human being.

+ Sviatoslav


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