The visit to Canada of Bishop Bohdan (Dziurakh), head of the Supervisory Council of the Construction of the Patriarchal Center of the UGCC in Kyiv, auxiliary bishop of the Kyiv Archeparchy, continues. As we reported, this visit has several aims: 1) meeting with the Ukrainian Catholic communities in Canada and getting acquainted with the life of our faithful in the diaspora and with the activity of the Ukrainian Church and charitable and public institutions on Canadian soil; 2) sermons during spiritual missions (Lenten retreats) in a few parishes of Canada, in particular, in Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary; 3) meetings with the laity, clergy and leaders of different civic organizations, during which Bishop Bohdan will talk about the state of construction of the Patriarchal Center of the UGCC in Kyiv, prospects of completing this important project, and financial necessities for the final stage of construction of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.
A special event for the guest from Ukraine was the concert «Golden ear of corn» on Thursday March 27, organized by teachers and children of the Ukrainian School of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, which is run by the Sisters Servants. More than 200 children from 4 to 13 years performed Ukrainian songs and scenes related to the life of Ukrainian farmers and acquainted those present with native customs and traditions. It is interesting that in the concert took part not only children originally from Ukrainian families but also from other nationalities who study at the school and introduce and popularize Ukrainian spirituality and culture among the local population. Briefly at the end of the concert Bishop Bohdan expressed sincere gratitude to the teachers, parents and all participants, for preserving the Ukrainian spirit in the diaspora and passed on greetings from the homeland.
On Sunday the auxiliary bishop of the Kyiv Archeparchy began a mission at the Cathedral of Saints Volodymyr and Olha in Winnipeg. These spiritual talks were held under the slogan: «To preserve the faith, to grow in love.» The preacher from Ukraine during the first talk, calling to mind the words of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Romans, said: «We meet today as children of the same nation and the same Church. For me deeply symbolic is the fact that I have come from the Kyivan hills, where more than 1000 years ago our Church was established, and can preach this mission here, in a cathedral devoted to our Saints Equal to the Apostles Volodymyr and Olha, because these saints connect us in the faith and remind us about our general national and church roots.» A sign of the great faith of our first settlers in Canada is the numerous churches on the territory of Winnipeg (there are 16 in the city !). At the same time a constantly relevant appeal is the paternal instructions of Metropolitan Andrey directed in 1901 to the first settlers from Halychyna in Canada, which Bishop Bohdan recalled to those present: «The first thing, my dear brothers, which we must foremost consider, is that among you our holy faith not be lost. Without faith there is no salvation, there is no eternal happiness! The holy faith is the dearest treasure. It is worth more than all the good of this world. The whole world will pass away, death awaits each of us. After death the divine judgement awaits us. The good which the holy faith brings will remain with us forever. It will bring us endless gladness in heaven; and will warn us against eternal misfortune from eternal ruin in hell. So hold strongly to the holy faith! Do not allow yourselves to destroy it; do not let it get lost among you.»
On Tuesday March 31, a meeting of Bishop Bohdan with priests who serve on the territory of the Winnipeg Archeparchy took place. Archbishop Lawrence (Huculak), Metropolitan of Winnipeg, under whose leadership the meeting was held, underlined its importance, because priests and deacons at firsthand can hear the newest information about church life in Ukraine, the evangelizing activity of the UGCC in the homeland, and difficulties which the Church faces in Ukraine. Also present at the meeting was Archbishop Michael (Bzdel), emeritus of the Winnipeg Archeparchy. With special personal interest those present watched a film about the building of the Patriarchal Center in Kyiv. An extended dialogue, during which those present heard the answers of the guest from Ukraine to different questions related to the completion of cathedral in Kyiv, took place after the showing of the film. Bishop Bohdan expressed gratitude to the leaders of the UGCC in Canada for their previous financial support (as of March 2009 for the building of the cathedral more than 300 thousand American dollars had been donated) and expressed the wish that this year the campaign «My brick on the building of the cathedral» would begin on the territory of Canada, because this campaign has proven itself very effective both in Ukraine and abroad (in the USA, Italy, and now it is beginning in Germany and Poland).
On Wednesday April 1, Bishop Bohdan continued getting acquainted with the life of the UGCC in Canada. In Winnipeg the bishop visited a residence for older people which is run by the Sisters of the Holy Family. First the auxiliary bishop of the Kyiv Archeparchy, in concelebration with Fr. Bohdan Lukiy, CSSR, pastor of the local parish of the Redemptorist Fathers and the chaplain of the residence, celebrated the Divine Liturgy. At the end of the Liturgy Bishop Bohdan addressed those presented with a speech underlining that “the most valuable part of the Church of Christ is here gathered, the Church which takes the cross on itself and follows the Savior.» The bishop encouraged the residents, older people, often sick and feeble, to join their suffering with the passions of Christ and in future to continue to serve the Church and the whole world and show their neighbor the real spiritual priorities in human and Christian life. After the Divine Liturgy the guest, escorted by Archbishop Michael (Bzdel), became acquainted with the activity of the residence and met with the retired priests who live in this house.
On Wednesday Bishop Bohdan visited The Welcome Home, known also outside Canada, which is run by the Redemptorists of the Province of Yorktown and through which they carry out evangelical ministry to the most wretched and abandoned people, including Indians. «The presence of such developed and strong charitable institutions on the territory of the Winnipeg Metropolitanate brightly testifies to the viability of our Church and its spiritual strength, which is demonstrated in service of God and the needy person.» So Bishop Bohdan said in a comment for the Press-service of the Kyiv Archeparchy.
Information Department of the UGCC
In the photo: Cathedral of Saints Volodymyr and Olha