The Head of the UGCC: “To get peace, you have to believe in the risen Jesus Christ”
Monday, 20 April 2015, 10:21 If we compare the disciples after the crucifixion of their Savior with all of us today, we can see a lot in common. Today we are afraid, we are frightened when we hear about the war years, tears and suffering; each of us feels instinctively that tomorrow I might be the next. That was said by the Father and the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav in His sermon to the faithful on the eighth day after the Resurrection during the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.
See also:
- International theologians in support of Ukraine
- Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with the Ukrainian Community of Washington
- Appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad, and to all People of Good Will
The preacher admitted that that day Christ's disciples after the experienced events were full of fear. Evangelist John, told His Beatitude Sviatoslav, very briefly but accurately describes their condition: they gathered behind a locked door because of their fear. They knew that their Teacher was killed yesterday, and tomorrow they might be the next.
The Primate noted that in today's Gospel reading we can clearly hear that the first word with which Jesus Christ refers to His disciples, frightened apostles, is the word "peace". "He said to them twice: Peace be with you! Obviously, in the Jewish mode of life "Shalom" (peace) was a way of greeting. But in the context of an incredible meeting with the risen Christ, the word has quite different meaning. In Scripture the word "peace" does not mean any external circumstances, but inner state of the person. First of all peace means inner harmony, we would say - well-being and harmony of earthly prosperity, harmony in the family, beneficial behavior. That person who really feels himself confident where he is, who he is and what he does know what peace is. In the social meaning peace means harmony, harmony in relationships with other people and confidence in the coming days", - explained His Beatitude Sviatoslav, adding that this is why the apostles understood as all the other inhabitants of Jerusalem, that peace – is God's gift.
"This world and even the man himself – is convincing the Preacher - cannot gain this peace with their human efforts. So the apostles were always brining the news about peace as God's gift and blessing of God. Jesus Christ - the risen Savior does not only talk about peace to His apostles, but He gave them peace. It is passed as a sign of God's blessing and absolute certainty that as Christ is risen from the dead, He will remain with them until the end of the world. So Apostle Paul says: Christ is our peace. And sending students to the world to carry good news about the Resurrection of Christ, He makes them the carriers of peace".
"We talk so much abou peace - continued the Head of the Church - so much we pray for peace. But today is what we can hear in the gospel of Christ occurs during this Divine Liturgy. The Risen Lord is present among us. And in order to get peace, we should believe in Him, believe in the Savior, Who says: Blessed you are, who may not have seen as Thomas, but believed. Only through faith we can touch the risen Christ and be filled with His peace".
During the Liturgy two deacons were ordained - Andriy Bodnaruk and Andriy Bonys.
Coserved with His Beatitude Sviatoslav Bishop Josyph (Milian), Auxiliary Bishop of Kyiv, and 11 priests.
UGCC Department of Information

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