The festival of migrants’ creative works took place in Lviv
Wednesday, 13 June 2012, 15:01 The concert of emigrants’ creative works, named “Towards Each Other” took place in Shevchenkivskyi Hai in Lviv on 10th of June 2012. Music – ranging from the lyrical singing poetry to groovy ethnic rock for young people – has put together the youth of Lviv, families with children and even foreign fans from various European countries, regardless the fact that attention of the majority of citizens and city guests was first and foremost tied to the European football championship. Comission of UGCC responsible for the issues connected with migrants participated as the co-organizer of the concert. The event was led by Maksym Bondarenko, who is the project and program manager of this structure. It was reported by Svitlana Odynets from the Comission of UGCC responsible for the issues connected with migrants.The Father Petro Rak, who is the Head of the Department of Patriarchal Curia of UGCC, who attended this concert, emphasized that “such events make families much stronger, even though Ukrainians are just at the threshold of formatting the culture of family holidays.”
The concert was conducted within the frameworks of ethnic festival for the whole family, named “Cossacks Varta.” This event was accompanied with the Cossacks’ marches, with the savoury porridge treating, horse riding as well as with the fair of folk crafts. A number of people out of those attending this concert were particularly excited about the performance of Father Vasyl Bronya, who is the pastor in the urban village Velyka Berezovytsya; he performed the copyright songs to a guitar, written in collaboration with Father Petro Polkovko. Majority of works were about the life in foreign parts. “I did not have experience of service inb foreign parts to our Ukrainian people, who live and work in Europe, but each and every day, while talking to people, I observe what an incredible challenge emigration is for Ukrainians. Not always this challenge turns out to be negative. Sometimes, it is far away from home and while doing hard work, that a person discovers a God for himself or herself and learns how to talk to Him”, - considers Father Vasyl. Despite the songs performed to a guitar by Father Vasyl, excitement among the people was evoked by such ethnic bands as “Oykumena”, “Tarasova Nich”, “Na pershyi Poglyad”, as well as, by copyright songs about the maternity performed by the singer Sofiya Karnaukh, coming from Rivne.
Information department of UGCC
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