In the context of the anniversary of World War I, the Pope has urged all to pray for peace in Ukraine and other hot spots in the world
Monday, 28 July 2014, 13:40 “Dear Brothers and Sisters,” said Pope Francis at noon on July 27, 2014 after praying the Sunday prayer Angelus Domini, – “tomorrow is the hundredth anniversary of the beginning of World War I that caused millions of victims and incalculable ruin.”-
See also:
- Ukraine prelate says Orthodox independence is ‘affirmation of rights’
- The Pope thanks the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC) for its witness to the unity of Christ’s Church Pope Francis meets with His Beatitude Sviatoslav at the Vatican
- Head of the UGCC: “The Pope not only loves us, but prays for us, but is the voice of suffering Ukraine before the powers that be”
This conflict, referred by the Pope as “unnecessary bloodshed”, after four long years poured out into a peace that proved to be even more fragile. Tomorrow it will be a Day of Mourning in memory of this drama. At a time when we recall these tragic events, I wish that the horrific mistakes of the past will never be repeated, but that they become incorporated into lessons of history, so that within the context of a patient and courageous dialogue, arguments on behalf of peace gain the upper hand. “My thoughts today, in a special manner,” continued the Pope, “speed to three territories in the midst of crisis: the Near East, Iraq, and Ukraine. Please do not cease to join in my prayers that God grants the residents and authorities of these territories wisdom and strength, indispenspensible in order to decisively step on the path of peace, approaching every contradiction with the perserverance of dialogue and negotiations and the strength of reconciliation. May the focus of every decision not be separate interests, but the collective good and the respect for every individual. Let us remember that in war, everything is lost. In peace, nothing is lost.” Brothers and Sisters, may there never again be a war – may there never be war! My thoughts first of all are with the children, who are deprived of the hope for a dignified life, for a future: the killed, the wounded, the maimed orpahns and children who play with the leftovers of the military gear. The children who do not know how to laugh. Please, STOP! I beg you most sincerely! It is time to stop! PLEASE STOP!” urged the Holy Father.
Radio Vatican
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