Archbishop Gallagher: ‘I wouldn’t rule out Pope going to Ukraine in August’
Saturday, 09 July 2022, 12:57 In an interview with Italian news program Tg1, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States, says Pope Francis believes a visit to Ukraine would have positive results, and offers condolences for the death of former Japanese PM Abe Shinzo.-
See also:
- Ukraine. Gallagher: We need to keep the hope of dialogue alive
- Secretary of State of the Holy See expressed his support for Ukrainian people
- The Thanksgiving Divine Liturgy on the 70th anniversary of the centralization of Basilian Sisters
Preparations for a papal visit to Ukraine will begin after his Apostolic Journey to Canada, and the Pope could travel to Kyiv as early as August.
Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher offered that insight to Ignazio Ingrao during an interview on the Italian TV news program Tg1, during which he expressed condolences for the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo.
Ukraine visit depends on trip to Canada
"The Pope," said Archbishop Gallagher, "is very convinced that if he were to make a visit it would have positive results. He has said that he will go to Ukraine, and he has always been willing to visit Moscow and meet with the Russian authorities."
Asked if the trip to Kyiv could take place upon his return from Canada, where Pope Francis will be in the last week of July, the Archbishop said, "Yes, I think that upon returning from Canada we will begin to really study the possibility."
Regarding the timing of a potential visit, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States said it could happen in August.
"Possibly, I wouldn't rule it out. However, a lot depends on the results of the trip to Canada. Let's see how the Pope will withstand this trip, which is also very demanding, and then we'll see."
Holy See’s concern for the future
Archbishop Gallagher also spoke about discussions with Russia regarding a papal trip to Moscow.
"Our contacts with the Russian Federation right now are rather institutional through the Apostolic Nuncio in Moscow and through the Russian Ambassador here at the Holy See. Beyond that there are not many direct or personal contacts," said the Archbishop. "While we are very concerned about Ukrainian issues and the resolution of the war, at the same time we are concerned about the future of the Western Balkans."
Archbishop Gallagher then responded to a question about the ecumenical challenge and a possible meeting between the Pope and Patriarch Kirill.
"I believe that if the Patriarch and the Holy Father travel all the way to Kazakhstan for this great conference of world religions, then yes, there will be a meeting. We must try to overcome difficulties and misunderstandings for the unity of the Church."
Condolences for Abe Shinzo’s death
Finally, the Secretary for Relations with States commented on the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo.
"The attack and his death fill me with deep sadness,” he said. “I had the honor of meeting the prime minister when I visited Japan. He was a man who had a great influence beyond Japan's borders. He was a very controversial person as well, however, a man of principles, a man of great sense of the common good of his people."
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