Adult life through the eyes of children
Saturday, 20 June 2009, 13:14 On June 8, in Drohobych, pictures drawn by over 190 children from Sambir-Drohobych region were put on display at the Chaplaincy Youth Center as part of a competition. This contest for children of different ages was organized by NPF “Pokrova.”
On June 8, in Drohobych, pictures drawn by over 190 children from Sambir-Drohobych region were put on display at the Chaplaincy Youth Center as part of a competition. This contest for children of different ages was organized by NPF “Pokrova.”
The opening of the exhibit took place on June 15. It began with the benediction and welcoming word of Reverend Bishop Yulian (Voronovskyj), Eparch of Sambir-Drohobych. In the speech, Hierarch commented that, “I am so glad that we have such talented children, and sincerely ask their parents to support and help develop their artistic gifts. It is very good that under the guidance of adults they can achieve so much, because through their drawings they bring out their spirituality.” Bishop Yulian thanked all the children for participating in the competition and strongly encouraged them to continue their work.
Every creative competition has its own specific criteria or theme for entries. For this competition, the participants were asked to illustrate a specific theme while demonstrating appropriate skills in painting. It was stipulated that the pictures be made with different techniques. The child could choose which to use. The boys and girls then presented their aquarelle pictures, made with a gouache, graphic designs or appliqués, to the judges. During the celebratory feast, all the participants had a chance to hear from contest winners their reasons for choosing their themes and artistic styles, as well as a bit about the process of making the drawing.
Some of the contest winners for painting included: Matkivs’kyj Ivan (village Kupnovychi, Sambir’s district, 8 years old), Sklyars’ka Olha (village Strilkovychi, Sambir’s district, 15 years old), Pyzh Yaroslav (t. Boryslav, 15 years old). The winners of the competition told the audience what they wish for themselves future, and for their parents and relatives. As was mentioned earlier, the children were to create a drawing with a specific theme in mind. The theme for this year was: through their own eyes, illustrate their perception of adult life or old age. The adults intended to analyze whether they have a right to live according to what the children drew. For the boys and girls, it was a very interesting theme to contemplate. It was a completely new task for them and opened up a new perspective for their art. The young artists thanked the organizers of the exhibit for including their work in it. For many children, the presentation and display of their work in the museum was an artistic debut.
At the end of the celebration, the children were treated to a table full of sweets so that they could become better acquainted with each other and share stories about their creative processes. And we, the organizers, hope that all the children continue to develop their talents.
Taras Shafran,
Director of the eparchial museum

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