Zhyve.tv Accompanied Bishop Bohdan Danylo on His Visit to North and South Carolina (USA)
Tuesday, 05 March 2019, 11:59 Over the weekend of March 2-3, 2019 a filming crew from Zhyve.tv (Ukraine) visited with Bishop Bohdan Danylo of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma the Ukrainian Catholic parishes in North and South Carolina.

On Saturday, March 2, Bishop Bohdan Danylo celebrated a Pontifical Divine Liturgy with the Ukrainian-speaking community of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Mission in Pineville, NC in the copious presence of the faithful. Over 120 people gather twice a month in the chapel of Charlotte Catholic High School for liturgical services led by Fr. Michael Kulyk of Akron, OH, who commutes to North Carolina on a bi-monthly basis.
The following day, Sunday, March 3, Bishop Bohdan, together with Bishop Peter J. Jugis of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte, celebrated a Divine Liturgy with the English-speaking community of St. Basil the Great Ukrainian Catholic Parish in Charlotte, NC. The Liturgy took place at St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church in Charlotte that currently hosts the community of St. Basil the Great. Over the last two years, St. Basil parish has been experiencing an amazing growth of parishioners both of the Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian heritage, who made the Byzantine tradition of the Ukrainian Catholic Church their own. The parish is taken care of by Fr. Joseph Matlak, who also ministers as a chaplain in a Roman Catholic middle school in Charlotte.
In the afternoon, after the Liturgy in Charlotte, Bishop Bohdan, together with Fr. Joseph celebrated a Pontifical Divine Liturgy with the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Mission in Columbia, SC. Holy Cross Mission is the youngest mission parish of St. Josaphat Eparchy that already has over 100 parishioners.
Zhyve.tv came to North and South Carolina with Bishop Bohdan to film a unique growth of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the Mid-Atlantic deanery of St. Josaphat Eparchy. A short film about the vibrant parishes of North and South Carolina will be aired on Channel 5 in Ukraine to bring closer a unique experience of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the U.S. to the faithful in Ukraine as well as to the Ukrainian Catholic communities outside of the United States in North America, informing them thereby about the presence of the Ukrainian Catholics in the U.S.
Department of Information of the UGCC

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