Zarvanytsya shines on souls
Sunday, 12 October 2008, 23:27 For the first time in its history, miraculous Zarvanytsya has an illustrated 24-page guide-book. Every pilgrim will find in it everything necessary, and also that which a pilgrimage to this holy place gives in particular, spiritual benefit...
For the first time in its history, miraculous Zarvanytsya has an illustrated 24-page guide-book. Every pilgrim will find in it everything necessary, and also that which a pilgrimage to this holy place gives in particular, spiritual benefit. The divine grace which fills the hearts of millions of pilgrims thirsty for faith descends through the intercession of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya. This grace soars in the parish church where remain the miraculous icon and relic which pours out myrrh, in a newly built cathedral, in underground or above ground churches, in each chapel on the way of the cross, in each human heart. A divine atmosphere is created by the warm prayers of numerous pilgrims, many of whom come dozens or even hundreds of kilometers. For the most part this divine grace descends in Divine Liturgies, which, in addition to Sundays and holy days, are celebrated here daily. Here, as the eparch of Ternopil' and Zboriv, Bishop Vasyliy (Semenyuk), says, there is a holy spring which cleanses and heals with healthy water our bodies and souls.
Zarvanytsya for the first time was mentioned in 1442. In the days of the Mongol and Tatar invasion, the Holy Mother of God appeared to a monk from the Kyivan Monastery of the Caves, who stopped at this site when he was sleeping. In the morning near the spring he saw her icon. In memory of this miracle he built a monastic cell in a cave where he placed the miraculous icon, and he founded a settlement called Zarvanytsya (here he “fell asleep” ["zarvav" sleep]). In 1740 a miraculous icon of the crucified savior appeared in this locality. It was placed in a wooden church. During a fire in 1754 the wooden church burned down, but the icon remained unharmed and it was carried to the newly-built church of the Holy Trinity. The coronation of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God took place in 1867. From 1930 to 1939 Bishop Nykyta Budka lived and worked here. A parish house and bell tower was built and the church was renewed at that time. In 1944 a wooden church near the monastery burned down.
In 1991 the Church of the Holy Trinity was rebuilt, and near it a large chapel was built. And for the 2000-year anniversary of the Nativity of Christ a stately cathedral was built. Preparation for the celebration of this momentous date became a majestic spiritual landmark for Zarvanytsya. Then a church above the gates, of the Annunciation of the Holy Mother, was built, the under-story of which was adapted as entrance gates. The Cathedral of the Mother of God is majestic, built in the style of traditional old Ukrainian architecture. It is a building with a cross shape and five domes with two churches: one at the ground level— of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya, and the underground one — of the Holy Trinity, with exits on the terraces.
Dominating the complex is a four-level bell tower. Its height is 75 meters. It holds five bells, made in Poland and Ukraine. The largest of them is given the name of Prince Vasyl’ko Terebovlyans’kyj.
The remarkable guide-book tells briefly all about this. For this it is necessary to thank its managers and creators: editor Fr. Orest Glubish and publisher Yaroslav Stetsyuk. Let’s repeat after them: "Come with faith, hope, and love and sincere prayer to this miraculous place. The Mother of God of Zarvanytsya is waiting for you!"
Translated by the Information Department of the UGCC
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