“You are the hands of the Loving Father who embraces our people in those place where they may suffer the most” – His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
Monday, 30 May 2011, 22:34 27 May 2011 in press-conference hall of Lviv Archeparchy at St. George’s Cathedral in Lviv the Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav met with the people who carry on their ministry among immigrants. As the Pastoral-Missionary Department of the UGCC reports, present at the meeting were: Bishop Josyf (Milian) – the Head of the Pastoral-Missionary Department (PMD) of the UGCC as well as employees of the PMD, UGCC Commission for migrants, eparchial advisers for migrants and immigrants, plus representatives of the International Charitable Foundation “Caritas-Ukraine” and of the association “Pieta”.
27 May 2011 in press-conference hall of Lviv Archeparchy at St. George’s Cathedral in Lviv the Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav met with the people who carry on their ministry among immigrants. As the Pastoral-Missionary Department of the UGCC reports, present at the meeting were: Bishop Josyf (Milian) – the Head of the Pastoral-Missionary Department (PMD) of the UGCC as well as employees of the PMD, UGCC Commission for migrants, eparchial advisers for migrants and immigrants, plus representatives of the International Charitable Foundation “Caritas-Ukraine” and of the association “Pieta”.
In his introductory words, His Excellency Josyf, noted that it was the first such meeting which gathered together the Pastoral-Missionary Department, Commission for migrants and eparchial advisers for migrants in Kyiv-Halych Major Archbishopric. “These people are entrusted with a very important and responsible task – to solve the problems of the one third of our Church existing in immigration” – noted Bishop Josyf.
Afterwards, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, addressing all those present at the meeting, said: “Today our Church undergoes the process of inner transformation as does the whole world…This is especially true of our faithful in immigration who are undergoing different stages of this transformation. In order to provide them with fruitful pastoral care, we should grasp the typical features of different immigration waves, especially those of the last one, i.e. a numerous labour immigration”. “You are the hands of the Loving Father who embraces our people in those places where they may suffer the most, where they are used the most, without any rights, abandoned by everyone” – said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
After the address of His Beatitude and introduction of each of the participants, Rev. Vasyl Potochniak, executive secretary of the PMD, did a brief presentation of the PMD’s activity and plans. Afterward, Mr. Hryhoriy Seleshchuk did a presentation of the UGCC Commission for migrants.
At the end of the meeting, the Head of the UGCC thanked all those involved in the ministry for migrants saying: “Migration is a very complex social phenomenon. I think that we can only observe its beginnings without fully understanding all its dimensions and its influence on society as well as on the Church”.
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